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Old April 15th, 2004, 03:18 PM

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Default My take on rebalancing depop dominions...

Depop dominions (a la ermor) are sometimes a contentious issue, and a unique challenge. I tried out ermor (I sort of shied away from it for a while), and noticed 1) just how rapidly population could plummet , and 2) that corpse could was nowhere near the depopulation count.

Sensible, but I thought: where do all the other damn people go? Then: anywhere but ermor! (Wouldn't you, if you were in the middle of the raising of the army of the dead?)

Seems people would beat the devil to get away from ermor... maybe half (or whatever fraction seems best) of their depopulated people could emigrate as refugees to nearby lands. Refugees could increase population, as well as disorder in their new lands... and a migration effect would make sense for a number of random events.

Anyway, just thought I'd throw that out there, have fun ascending all.
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Old April 15th, 2004, 03:43 PM
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Default Re: My take on rebalancing depop dominions...

I love depop themes in general, as I find them to be an awesome fantasy staple. Heck, I want to use at least three in my mod project. But there does seem to be an advantage for Ermor that doesn't appear for C'tis - DT or Pangaea - CW. Namely, the fact that both of those, aside from costing more than Ermor themes (when you balance them out) also still rely heavily on gold-based troops in order to balance out their forces. Losing gold really ends up hurting their military economy more than it does Ermor which gets its full selection of units regardless.

How does this balance out in other peoples' eyes? It seems especially bad for Pangaea - CW as you have to -pay- more in scales (Growth and Magic, IIRC) in order to increase your undead production whereas you get paid if you're playing Ermor to do the same. Any suggestions on how that might be further balanced? Obviously it's an issue for the devs as the Last patch gave more oomph to CW. But it still seems a bit lacking after giving them another test spin post-2.11...
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Old April 15th, 2004, 03:47 PM
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Default Re: My take on rebalancing depop dominions...

Originally posted by Miguel Duran:
But there does seem to be an advantage for Ermor that doesn't appear for C'tis - DT or Pangaea - CW.
Desert Tombs isn't a depopulating dominion any more than Abysia, Black Forest or Helheim. It's just a theme that requires a death scale. +2 in this case, which kills 0.4% of the population per turn.
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Old April 15th, 2004, 04:48 PM
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Default Re: My take on rebalancing depop dominions...

The DT is to expensive in my opinion to be worth playing. The 200 point isn't worth it for some cool leaders and some undead armies. it should be reduced massively before it's on the other race theme standard. Not saying that DT is bad theme I would love to go MP with them, but only if DT get lowered in points.

The immigration/migrattion thoughts is cool I think. Also a good event like: 'Baby boom' to increase population would be nice.


[ April 15, 2004, 15:49: Message edited by: Thilock_Dominus ]
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Old April 15th, 2004, 04:50 PM
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Default Re: My take on rebalancing depop dominions...

Originally posted by Thilock_Dominus:
The immigration thoughts is cool I think. Also a good event like: 'Baby boom' to increase population would be nice.
It would have to be more along the lines of "A baby boom happened 15 years ago, and was only just noticed".
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Old April 15th, 2004, 05:13 PM
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Default Re: My take on rebalancing depop dominions...

Or : 'Your people are in the love mood and many babies will be born the next few years'.
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