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Old March 29th, 2004, 10:14 PM
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Default Strange hosting events

I don't know if this qualifies as a bug or not... probably just misunderstanding how we should do things.

In a (2-player) TCP/IP game (which I'm hosting), my opponent got several "semi-stale" turns - turns in which only some part of his orders were carried out.

I'm wondering what could be causing this...

* If one connects to see the turn Messages, then disconnects through the "end turn" button (or "e" key), the server will get the turn orders, and assume the player finished his turn, right? So if it's on Quickhost, it's possible to "lose" your turn that way (especially in a game with few players) - you need to Escape from the map screen and choose "quit without saving", which I assume lets you not submit orders

* If for some reason the connection is broken, is it possible that this would cause the server to receive partial orders?
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Old March 29th, 2004, 10:48 PM

Wendigo Wendigo is offline
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Default Re: Strange hosting events

If you hit the end button you are generating a .2h file, regardless of whether you have issued any orders or not. So do not do it if you are connected and have not finished your turn.

The right procedure if you want to play your turn off-line is to quit without saving after seeing the reports, go then back to play the game through the menus (without connecting to the server), and then you can hit the end button/return to the game as many times as you wish to edit your orders. Once happy with them, connect to the server and your computer will send the .2h file.
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