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Old February 9th, 2001, 12:49 AM
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Default Handy Dandy Patch Changes Reference List

Thought it might be useful to post for everyone a compiled handy dandy list of all the pending changes for the next patch release (made since v1.19).

Version 1.20:
1. Fixed - A colony with no population could still suffer from
a firestorm event.
2. Fixed - Ground combat would continue on the turn that a surrender
took place.
3. Fixed - High numbers of systems would not work correctly using the
Cluster quadrant layout.
4. Added - Added fields to the Settings.txt file to specify what values
and abilities a newly created storm will receive.
5. Fixed - Changed the text for the Cloaks to say the correct level
of scanning/detection it prevents.
6. Fixed - AI vehicle design files were not using the new ability
names for Combat To Hit Add and Combat to Hit Dec.
7. Fixed - Sometimes a damaged ship that was retrofitted would
result in undamaged components.
8. Fixed - If the order of a construction queue was changed, it was
not clearing the time for the item currently under
9. Changed - Changed Emergency Build Rate to 150%.
10. Fixed - When you exit a combat replay, the combat music would keep
11. Fixed - In Tactical Combat, Clear All Group Assignments would not
redraw the display to clear the group icons.
12. Fixed - "Bad Index" error from the Colonies window.
13. Fixed - If a race had a treaty of Subjugation or Protectorate, their
research points would be capped at 50,000.
14. Fixed - The Up Arrow on the Report window would display over the
Comps or Cargo display when closing the Scrap window.
15. Fixed - Fill Build Queue was not checking if the items were valid
for the empires current technology level.
16. Fixed - When loading a previously saved empire into a different player
number than previously, their designs would be messed up.
17. Fixed - Simultaneous Game - The Seeking Attack order would not cleared
if it was targeted on a planet and the colony had been destroyed.
18. Fixed - Improved the AI's scrapping of unneeded facilities in a finite
resource game.
19. Fixed - Remove tech area Ship Construction level 10 (it was empty).
20. Fixed - Decreased the AI's armor usage on their designs.
21. Fixed - Increase the AI's point defense usage on their designs.
22. Fixed - AI was not using its AI Strategy file correctly.
23. Fixed - AI was not giving the Kamikaze ships the correct strategy.
24. Fixed - In a finite resources game, planets would still produce resources
even after they had reached a value of 0.
25. Fixed - If a player's fleet encountered enemy mines in the same sector
as his own mines, he would receive a message about his minefield
being triggered against "enemy" ships.
26. Fixed - Improved the description for the Boarding Parties and Security Stations.
27. Added - Added fields to the Settings.txt file to specify a maximum number of
mines or satellites that a player can have in a sector.
28. Fixed - The Colony Window would display a patch of white if there were a large
number of displayed facilities.
29. Added - Added a confirmation message when you try to send a surrender message.
30. Fixed - Improved the Transport Minister so that they only move populations to
planets with atmospheres they can breathe.
31. Changed - Changed the Path.txt file so that it now lists a new directory to use.
This directory can contain replacements directory for all of the
directories that SE4 uses. If a directory is present in the mod
directory, all of the files that SE4 needs must be present. So if you
replace the Data directory, your new directory must have all of the
data files present. The only exception to this rule is for bitmaps.
If a bitmap cannot be found in a mod directory, the game will then
look back into the original SE4 directory to find it. In this way, you
can replace everything in the game, but not need to include all of the
graphics as well.
32. Fixed - Range check error during combat.
33. Fixed - Point Blank strategy sometimes would cause ships to run away from the
34. Fixed - Range Check Error with a large number of units in a group during combat.
35. Fixed - Range Check Error with huge numbers of shields being generated during combat.
36. Fixed - Range Check Error with a fleet of more than 256 ships during combat.

Version 1.21:
1. Fixed - Range check error when you have 255 systems and you give
a ship orders to move to another system.
2. Fixed - Increased planet finite resource starting values.
3. Added - Added default values in the Settings.txt file for the
Maximum number of ships and units in the game.
4. Fixed - AI was not always using damaged ships or sending them
to be repaired.
5. Fixed - Increased the speed of combat execution.
6. Fixed - AI was not spreading out targeting of seekers based on
anticipated damage to target.
7. Fixed - Fleet leaders were still not detecting correctly when they
were surrounded in combat and should break formation.
8. Fixed - The Drushocka and Praetorian were building fighters with
only Shield Depleters.
9. Fixed - Jubilant has been misspelled for quite a while.
10. Fixed - Added empire files for all empires.
11. Fixed - Krill, Terran, and Toltayan empires were not always using
all of their racial points.
12. Fixed - Combat Replay would not show the vehicle report when moving
from a fighter group to a new fighter group.
13. Fixed - Improved AI's use of fleets.
14. Fixed - Improved AI's used of Planet creators.

Version 1.22:
1. Fixed - Fixed a few memory leaks.
2. Fixed - AI was not using cloaking correctly.
3. Fixed - Fixed up some of the constraints on what a cloaked ship
can do.
4. Fixed - AI will choose Stealth Armor for its designs instead of
Cloaking Devices.
5. Fixed - AI would fill up remaining space on its designs with
regular shield generators (not phased shield generators).
6. Fixed - Maximum number of ships and units per player in a game was
not being enforced correctly. In Game Setup, Maximum number
of units (in space) has been changed so that the units can be
in space or in cargo. Increased the starting maximums for
7. Fixed - Games using Multiplayer Save Game Path would try to get
the combat replay and statistics file from this location,
instead of where the savegame was loaded from.
8. Fixed - Ships destroyed with ramming were not providing experience.
9. Fixed - Ships destroyed with ramming were not add in to the design
10. Fixed - Units carried by a ship were not being tallied in the unit's
design statistics.
11. Fixed - If an item that is in a trade has been lost, destroyed,
captured, etc. before the trade is excepted, it will be listed
in the trade as "unavailable".
12. Fixed - Jettisoned units weren't being tallied in that unit's
design statistics.
13. Fixed - Ships or Units that are received as gifts, will also have
their design available as an Enemy Design.
14. Fixed - The notes in the Galaxy Window would allow you to see the
names of systems that you had not explored.
15. Fixed - Planets that are in systems that you have seen, were not
showing a green or red star if they were colonizable.
16. Fixed - Omnipresent view of systems would allow you to see
cloaked ships.
17. Fixed - Added a new restriction that you cannot edit a prototype
design if it has been added to one of your construction
18. Fixed - Change directory in the Load Game window would error if the
Multiplayer Save Game Path was invalid.
19. Fixed - Improved the AI ship design based on the terrific "Mephisto
20. Fixed - Transports with a "Capture Planet" strategy were not attempting
to drop troops on the planet.
21. Fixed - Colony planets in the Combat Simulator window were showing the
incorrect player color for the population bars (or possibly no
bars at all).
22. Fixed - Planets should not show up in the Combat Simulator's Fleet
Transfer window.
23. Fixed - Type priorities settings for targeting were not working in
certain situations.
24. Fixed - The Ship\Planet report for a piece in a combat simulation
would sometimes show the wrong status icons.
25. Fixed - Sometimes multiple stats and event files would be copied for
each savegame.
26. Fixed - For a Launch All Units order, if a unit failed to launch
early in the list, then all later units in the list would
not be attempted.
27. Fixed - Sometimes the treaty grid would show two races having two
different treaties with each other.
28. Fixed - If a unit group was at a location in space with other unit
Groups, then the unit Groups amount number and the number
of space objects present would overlap.
29. Fixed - Sometimes the Colonies Window (Facilities tab) would list
the same facility type on multiple lines.
30. Fixed - Ai was not checking correctly for nearby enemies to potential
colonization sites. Improved the AI colonization determination
a bit.

Version 1.23:
1. Fixed - AI should only build one sensor buoy at a time.
2. Fixed - Some of the empire files were saved with all of the ministers
turned on.
3. Fixed - In some circumstances, the AI will design Base Space Yards with
more than one space yard.
4. Fixed - Cloaked ships were triggering population unhappiness.
5. Fixed - A race that has been destroyed should show "Conquered" for the
treaty in its race report window.
6. Added - Added a new tab to the Strategies window called "Damage". This
tab allows you to set the percentage damage you want to inflict
on different kinds of enemy ships before moving on to a new
target. So for ships, if it says 80%, then your ships will
damage the ship up to 80% and then will switch to a new target.
If no other targets are available, your ships will go back and
finish off those remaining ships. There is also a setting for
"Damage targets until all weapons gone". If this is set true,
then your ships will fire on enemy ships until all of their
weapons are gone, regardless of the percentage damage setting.
7. Fixed - Sometimes the AI Resupply minister would give a Divide by Zero
8. Fixed - The Last patch caused the display of the letters "RSY" in the
system window to not work.
9. Fixed - The AI was not balancing armed and non-armed ships correctly
when considering a trade.
10. Fixed - Typo in the SectType.txt file.
11. Fixed - Mothballed ships were blockading enemy planets.
12. Fixed - Improved the AI's use of seeking weapons in combat.
13. Fixed - Improved the AI's firing of weapons before or after moving.
14. Fixed - Sometimes the AI would not fire seekers on a target.
15. Fixed - Tactical Combat: When a seeker destroyed a colony, there would
be no explosion.
16. Fixed - Tactical Combat: When seekers were launched by a planet, the
selection icon would show for the planet and all of the seekers
at the same time.
17. Fixed - Maximum Weapons Range strategy would sometimes cause the ship to
move closer to the target.
18. Fixed - You should only be able to scrap satellite Groups and fighter
Groups if a spaceyard is present.
19. Fixed - Combat Replay would show the shields for a ship that was hit with
a shield skipping weapon.
20. Fixed - You should not be able to add a minefield to a combat simulation.
21. Fixed - Vehicles in the Combat Simulation design list were not being
sorted by name.
22. Fixed - Improved the AI's determination of when to skip an item in its
purchase list if there is no cargo space available to hold it.
23. Fixed - The AI would try to build defense bases at planets without
24. Fixed - Mothballed ships should not effect happiness at all.
25. Change - Increased the amount of happiness troops on a planet generate.
26. Change - Increased the amount of happiness a ship in orbit generates for
the planet.
27. Fixed - Added the field "Maximum population for abandon planet order" to
Settings.txt. This will prevent people from abandoning a planet
with a full population of rioting people.
28. Fixed - After an abandon planet, a new colony on the planet would start
at the same happiness as the Last population.
29. Change - Changed the starting happiness of colonies to "Happy" instead of
30. Fixed - A mothballed ship that was the only ship in a system could not be
attacked by the other players.
31. Fixed - Simultaneous Game: Reasons for a ship failing to load cargo, drop
cargo, or lay mines were not being added to the log.
32. Change - Cloaked ships cannot lay mines, launch units, or recover units.
33. Fixed - System level point modifiers were being summed instead of max'd.

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Old February 9th, 2001, 12:58 AM

Crab Legs Crab Legs is offline
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Default Re: Handy Dandy Patch Changes Reference List

Thanks ColdSteel,
This list will aid me in preparing for the damage to my mods the new patches will deliver. It will also speed up the process of cuting and pasting my way back to the mod style I am enjoying now. Knowing is half the battle...

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Old February 9th, 2001, 01:09 AM
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Default Re: Handy Dandy Patch Changes Reference List

Just be advised all that there may be additional fixes that we won't be aware of.

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Old February 9th, 2001, 01:17 AM
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Default Re: Handy Dandy Patch Changes Reference List

Good Wrok ColdSteel, but one "fix" has me scratching my head.

in V 1.23
18. Fixed - You should only be able to scrap satellite Groups and fighter
Groups if a spaceyard is present.

Why would you need a space yard to scrap units that you don't need a space yard to build.

I could understand not allowing scrapping units at all, you can't scrap troops or WP's. But allowing it but requiring a space yard? Maybe I am just not seeing something here?
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Old February 9th, 2001, 01:52 AM
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Default Re: Handy Dandy Patch Changes Reference List

I think you can still jettison them but you can't get your money back without a space yard. Just guessing...

Originally posted by geoschmo:
Good Work ColdSteel, but one "fix" has me scratching my head.

in V 1.23
Why would you need a space yard to scrap units that you don't need a space yard to build.

I could understand not allowing scrapping units at all, you can't scrap troops or WP's. But allowing it but requiring a space yard? Maybe I am just not seeing something here?

For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's futures. And we are all mortal. - JFK
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Old February 10th, 2001, 02:31 AM
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Default Re: Handy Dandy Patch Changes Reference List

The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.
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