AranMP Game Ulm Replacement Sought
I'm looking for a replacement player for me (Ulm) in Wendigo's Aran MP game. The Kingdom is in a good shape. It's just because I'll be out of the country for a week and don't want to slow down the progress of the game.
It's an email game. It is currently in the 29th turn and going at the rate of 6 to 7 turns a week. A temporary sub doesn't seem to be the best solution as in this stage of the game because a 7 to 8 turns of indecision of a major power will be bad to dynamics of the game. Also, it won't be a lot of fun for the sub who usually doesn't want to make major strategic decision while taking all the time on the micromanagement aspects of the game. A full replacement should be better for everybody.
I'm leaving in a week. So, you'll have a few days to contact me at ywl_game at yahoo dot com. I'll then send you the turn file and password.