Hrm. Anybody know what the effects of the different demeanors are? I normally choose impulsive, but Last game i opted for aggressive (and bloodthirsty ;-) ... One thing that struck me as interesting was that *all* of the races fought to the death. In fact, the Nultoh Group fought on even when they were *all* dead; if memory serves, they weren't booted from the game until i wiped out a pair of satellites that were protecting the smoking, lifeless ruins of their Last colony (i'd brought cas with the religious talisman and 2 large wmgs; they could hit the planet 100% from 8 squares, but not satellites so i had to wait for my other major ca class -- with pd and psychic weapons and a talisman -- to arrive. Max-tech, so my ships were outrunning missiles anyways.)
(Religious is a LOT nicer in 0.99 with the Talisman -- 50kt or so, but your direct-fire weapons always hit).
-- The thing that goes bump in the night
Are we insane yet? Are we insane yet? Aiiieeeeee...