Say, here's an idea...
What if you could do this?
1. Create a model in your favorite modeller for a component or something
2. Export it to povray format, or maybe yafray, which is just xml
3. Run a script on it
4. Presto, lots automagically generated component images of various colors/sizes/etc!
The question is, what is that script? I don't think it would be too hard to do, but there would definitely have to be some standard interfaces, so for instance anything with the material "tertiary" would be assigned the tertiary color/material of a component - sort of like Doga lets you assign colors to parts, but with multiple colors for specific parts of your component.
You could also give parts of your component special names, which would be interpreted by the script as variables, so you could specify, for instance, "give me a series of components from the APB.pov model with a series of primary colors of red through black in 4 steps with sizes of 1, 2, 3, 4 for the barrel", and it would generate the 16 appropriately modified .pov files and call the renderer to create the models!

(Kind of like how my templatizer works, only with graphics!)
So, anyone think this is worth some effort?