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July 3rd, 2022, 03:51 AM
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Scenario 589-Taming the Tigers. A PBEM AAR
This scenario depicts an engagement between two relatively equal battlegroups, one German and one Soviet. Unlike my usual AARs which are vs. the AI, this one is a PBEM game between me and SaStroop. I command the Soviet side, while SaS commands the Germans. I hope that this scenario will be interesting in showing the difference between an AI and a human opponent.
The area is around Ogledow, which historically saw battles involving IS-2s and KingTigers and where a T34/85 commanded by Junior Lieutenant Oskin knocked out 3 King Tigers. The map is 110*110 hexes in size and it is the following:
As it can be seen from the map, there are 3 villages: Stazow to the northwest, Szydlow to the northeast and Ogledow to the southwest. The western ones are controlled by the Germans and Szydlow by the Soviets. All 3 have 2 VPs worth 750 points each, as well as the road junction to the southeast which is controlled by the Soviets. It is easily seen that both sides have an almost equal amount of VPs at their disposal (though Germans have one more VP) and they are worth a lot of points, so the objective of both sides is probably a simultaneous attack to the other direction with the Soviets probably having to be a little more aggressive.
My forces are:
Around Szydlow, a couple of Guards infantry companies together with heavy weapons and an ISU-122 heavy tank destroyer platoon (A).
On the small ridge south of Szydlow (B) there is a 3 gun AT gun platoon (76mm), 2 heavy MGs and an FO.
In the woods north of the road junction, an IS-2 heavy tank company, a T34/85 company and two T34/76 companies, one of them with tank riders (company sized). They are screened by a motorcycle platoon.
My plan is a slow advance towards Ogledow with the T34/76s, the tank riders and the motorcycle platoon, with the T34/85s and the IS-2 as a reserve. To the north I will hold my position, unless it becomes clear the Germans are not advancing there.

July 3rd, 2022, 04:15 AM
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Re: Scenario 589-Taming the Tigers. A PBEM AAR
Turns 1-12
Soviet motorcycles (5) probe towards (6), with one IS-2 platoon covering them from the woods around 1 km east. They detect a motorized scout platoon in the woods. One German vehicle is destroyed by an AT gun from (3). However, the gun is detected and neutralized by a tank force at (4), which is composed from at least 2 PZIVs and 2 King Tigers. Meanwhile, at (7), the T34/85, one T34/76 and the tank rider companies occupy the woods. Tank riders move forward to protect the tanks, while 2 T34/85s find out that they have LOS at (4). They open fire and soon a PZIV goes up in flames from 85mm AP shells. The same fate awaits one T34/76, which is hit by StuGIVs from around (8) to the very south of the map. Movement in the open proves to be very dangerous, so at the moment, Soviets consolidate their positions in the woods.
To the north, Szydlow comes under attack from (1) by a panzergrenadier company and a PZIV platoon and from (2) by a King Tiger platoon, a PZIV platoon and more panzergrenadiers. The attack from (1) catches the Soviets off balance and soon a Guards platoon is wiped out too the last man. Germans now have a foothold inside Szydlow. One ISU-122 opens fire but is eliminated by very heavy fire from the PZIVs. German artillery also hit the positions inside the town. Soviets have to rush reinforcements and the T34/76 company that is uncommitted moves towards Szydlow.
Thus, in the beginning of the game, both sides made advances. But it is the Germans who showed the most aggressiveness, assaulting Szydlow with a considerable force. Soviets have to stabilize the situation to the north and find a way to progress to the south.
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July 3rd, 2022, 11:49 AM
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Re: Scenario 589-Taming the Tigers. A PBEM AAR
Turns 13-22
To the north, Germans increase pressure. Soviets resist, with mortar fire making further advances difficult and T34/76s causing losses to light armor. Soon, the Germans made a critical mistake. Lured by the possibility of killing two T34/76s, an entire PZIV company charged forward (1) to trade shots at short range with the T34s. That had the result of more T34/76s that were covering the other 2 T34s to ambush the PZIVs inside the streets of Szydlow and knock out 8 of them for the loss of one T34. In addition to that, German infantry advanced at (2) under cover of artillery fire, but in the street fighting with Soviet guards infantry, they were unable to defeat them. Finally, a couple of Soviet AT guns that were under hold fire orders (4), spot and open fire at 4 more PZIVs to the west of the town (3), knocking out 3 of them. One AT gun is knocked out by fire from PZIVs and King Tigers, but the gain far outweights the cost. Eventually, the German advance dies out and only small advances and artillery barrages from both sides happen inside and around the town.
To the center, AT guns on the hill (6) exchange fire with German heavy tanks ineffectively at (7), while artillery shells these tanks. Soon though, all Soviet AT guns are silenced by German tank fire. Some Soviet IS2s arrived at (5) dueled with the German heavy tanks but no damage occured to either side.
Finally to the south, Soviet forces (infantry and tanks) probe forward, engaging German scout elements and causing losses. Soon, both forests are secured (9 and 10), but any move over open field is negated by German MGs and tanks. Infantry losses for the Soviets are significant from MG and mortar fire. Aided by mortar fire, Soviets capture one more small forest to the south, when German PZIVs and King Tigers are spotted moving from (7) southwards. Soviet IS2s that were in reserve (8) opened fire and a brief tank duel ensued in which one more German PZIV was knocked out. No heavy tanks were damaged for either side.
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July 3rd, 2022, 12:30 PM
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Re: Scenario 589-Taming the Tigers. A PBEM AAR
Turns 23-end
To the north, things have calmed since the first 20 turns. There are only sporadic advances by lone infantry squads, and heavy artillery barrages. Soviet infantry does suffer significant losses from the German artillery, but they cannot be dislodged from their positions and even gain back several blocks inside Szydlow. German scouts are quite active and infiltrate the Soviet lines. One scout team finds the Soviet 120mm mortars at (1) and engages them. Soviet mortarmen pick up their SMGs and repel the attack, but they receive German artillery fire and they are disrupted.
Towards the center, Soviets decide to advance. One IS-2 platoon and one T34/85 platoon advance towards (2), with a find the enemy and engage them type of mission. They find that the hill is abandoned, apart from a lone 76mm AT gun that receives a ton of tank fire and is neutralized. The problem is that apart from the FO team and one surviving AT gun crew, there is no infantry to protect them. That proves to be fatal, as German scout teams ambush and destroy one IS-2 and one T34/85. One more T34/85 is knocked out by King Tigers from (3) and one IS-2 is immobilized. German scouts are spotted and eliminated, but this advance proved why it is suicide to advance with armor not having adequate infantry support.
To the south, Soviet infantry that has consolidated in the woods receives mortar fire and HMG fire and suffers losses. It also gives to German scouts more opportunities to infiltrate the Soviet positions and knock out one more IS-2 at (4). While the German scout teams suffer heavy losses, they do disproportionate damage and the reason is that in this sector, Soviet infantry is quite weak. At (5), Soviet T34/76s advance, with a couple of tank rider teams. German StuGIVs are spotted and in a brief point blank duel, one StugIV is knocked out. However, the King Tigers at (3) spot and destroy two T34/76s. Soviets reply with T34/85 and 122mm artillery fire, which force the Germans to displace. Soviet T34/85s also flank from the south (6) and engage more spotted StuGs at (7). They open fire and knock out one more Stug. The Stug platoon receives 122mm fire, pops smoke and retreats. With neither side able to advance much more, the fight dies out.
Last edited by Aeraaa; July 3rd, 2022 at 12:43 PM..

July 3rd, 2022, 12:43 PM
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Re: Scenario 589-Taming the Tigers. A PBEM AAR
Germans lost 15 tanks, including 13 Panzer IVs and 2 Stug IVs. Soviets lost 10 tanks, including 2 IS-2s, 2 T34/85s, 1 ISU-122 and 5 T34/76s. Battle result is a draw, with Germans having more points due to one more VP. Since neither side made any significant gains and the end result is a dry stalemate, a draw seems like a fair result.
In my opinion, it is very difficult to have any better result vs. a human opponent. To the north, the abundance of infantry makes it easy to hold either village in spite of intense artillery use and the parallel roads make armored reinforcements quick and easy. To the south, the Soviet could potentially be a bit more aggressive, but the lack in infantry makes their advance very difficult. One player has to make a serious mistake for significant losses to happen. The only two instances was the PZIV ambushed in Szydlow and my heavier tanks attacked by German infantry with panzerfausts without significant infantry support.
You probably saw how easy it is for German scout teams with their panzerfausts to cause losses to Soviet armor, as well as the Soviet infantry acting as scouts and enabling IS-2s and T34-85s to take pot shots at German armor. It is interesting that in a scenario that is clearly envisioned as a tank battle, infantry is extremely valuable.
King Tigers proved to be extremely resilient as expected and since SaStroop used them correctly, not taking reckless risks, it was very difficult for me to find an opportunity for a flank shot. We both were very careful with our heavy tanks, using them from behind cover, taking shots and then retreating back. That was the reason that despite both tanks firing at each other, no kills happening between these two beasts. Typical engagement ranges were between 1000-1500 meters.
All in all, a fun game for sure. I thank SaStroop for the game and I hope I can find other interesting PBEM games to share.
Last edited by Aeraaa; July 3rd, 2022 at 12:50 PM..
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July 11th, 2022, 11:32 AM
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Re: Scenario 589-Taming the Tigers. A PBEM AAR
Thatnks for the good game!
Indeed, this scenario is problematic, as it is quite unclear who is supposed to attack. I generally dont like meeting engagements, as MEs require operational background to properly introduce the initiative.
I however decided to advance up noth with PzGren Company supported with half of Pz IV Company, later with failed reinforcement attempt by one more platoon. To the south I stayed passive, waiting for IS-2 to advance on me. Generally terrain was problematic. It wasnt that flat and there were several smaller woods. This allowed T-34s to hide and sideshot my Koenigs as I advanced. That was something I wanted to avoid badly.
Nevertheless, I damn underestimated Soviet numbers to the north. I expected only one company holding, maybe with some support. Instead - thats after the game reference - it was two companies plus entire weapons company, as well as additional AT gun platoon.
Al this had broken guards status, giving them impossible EXP and MOR as for the Red Army. Essentially Soviet troops are better trained in this scenario and enjoy greater numbers. Nothing to love from German perspective.
Anyway, it bogged down after I encountered resistance from nearly every ****ing house. And then indeed hills shielded Aereaa's tank shift fro mthe south and I was not aware of much greater tank formation in the village than I expected. Indeed a platoon of my tanks advanced against lone T-34s and was wiped clean. This is where I called off my attack. I attempted to bring in some more tanks roughly by the sime time, yet they got wrecked by additional Soviet 76mm guns covering the village.
Contrary to what Aerea says, I used my Koenigs in the north to act as bait, in order to shift his armoured attention from the upper part of the village. When this probably did not work out, I retreated them to the woods, hoping he would move in chase.
Meanwhile my recon was doing some good job, albeit a job not worth a love. They were surrounded by Red tanks, but yet thy managed to provide valuable intel and wreck some IS-2s.
As such, Soviet attack in the south did not really develop, as advance guard was caught in ambush.
This being said, stalemate is a good word for that thing. Neither side completed any goals.
I wanna play some more with Aereaa, so probably more AARs will come :P
Also, it is possible to write some from Trudge for Turda campaign, provided they will not disclose any operational goals, as the campaign is still running.
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