The stories of the units are rather bad. Long rambling sentences. (What does being the bauss even mean?)
Devout priest story says they do not know how to convert people but they have H2 and inquisitor.
And you have way to many starting gems in the starting site. 8 in an time where 5 is standard.
warlords (both versions) are worthless. Not good thug chassises, getting indy commanders is cheaper. No fort scout.
Holding a candle and a bow makes you unable to shoot the bow.
Void warriors are way to strong for a level 3 conj summon. Getting 42 eth lifedrain, medium infantery sacreds is super at that stage of the game.
The void gate and other void stuff have a fear attack that does AN damage whihc is a bit odd.
Also having summonable commanders that autosummon more troops can lead to a lot of problems. Esp if they are good troops. They are a instant win button.
And I just summoned a void. 100AN 100 area attack, 1200HP. This isn't a serious mod now is it?
Avatar, immortal mage with 10 different paths. Soul slay attack. Nope.
Waaaayyyy OP