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Old May 26th, 2011, 12:11 AM
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Post The Shrapnel Games Memorial Day Wargame Blowout!
Press Release Teaser: All Military Consims Heavily Discounted Until May 31st!   

The Shrapnel Games Memorial Day Wargame Blowout!
All Military Consims Heavily Discounted Until May 31st!

Cary, NC, 26 May 2011

In recognition of our solemn day of remembrance to fallen soldiers, Memorial Day, Shrapnel Games is running a very special sale. From today until May 31st, all wargame offerings from Shrapnel Games are heavily discounted. In addition, we’re offering a fantastic digital bundle for a limited time that delivers wargaming right on target to your hard drive.

All wargaming titles are on sale! These include:

Air Assault Task Force for $33.95. ProSIM’s newest simulation engine that will power all subsequent releases, Air Assault Task Force is the most user-friendly ProSIM title yet. A revamped GUI will have commanders battling the Vietcong, warlords, and the Taliban in no time at all. Enjoy the survey style game, as Air Assault Task Force highlights important airmobile operations from the early days to the War on Terror. And as always with ProSIM, you’re not just getting a game, you’re getting the best damn commercial simulation on modern land warfare available.

ATF: Armored Task Force for $25.45. An earlier ProSIM title, this is a perfect simulation for fans of the heavy metal thunder that only armor brings. Bring on the lovely tank on tank action across the world, using real-time gameplay and high fidelity maps.

Battle Group Commander: Episode One for $12.70. Another fantastic ProSIM title featuring a British Battle Group facing off against Soviets and it’s only $12.70? That’s less than the cost of one gallon of petrol. Okay, we exaggerate but only by a little bit. Episode One is a mini-game from ProSIM, focusing on four scenarios that boast a high level of replayability. While it may be a mini-game you can count on all the bells and whistles beneath the hood that ProSIM is known for.

BCT: Commander for $16.95. Another early ProSIM title, this is a real time strategy game that examines the complexities of fighting on the modern battlefield.

The Falklands War: 1982 for $33.95. A conflict that has seen little action on the PC, The Falklands War: 1982 is a fascinating simulation from ProSIM. As ATF: Armored Task Force is to armor, The Falklands War is to infantry. Detailed modeling down to bayonet charges. The historical campaign is available to play, along with hypothetical variants. Simply the best game on the conflict on your computer!

Raging Tiger: The Second Korean War for $34.95. From Curt Pangracs and ProSIM comes this hypothetical look at another war on the Korean peninsula. An open campaign system allows players to jump to any battle they wish. Plenty of chrome inherent to the theater is present, from refugees to the DPRK’s use of “special” forces. A variety of battle situations, in an fluid battlespace, will keep you glued to your monitor.

Salvo! for $33.95 (also available for the Mac!). Relive the golden days of the Age of Fighting Sail on your desktop. Salvo! is a turn based strategy game covering an encyclopedic range of naval warfare from the 17th until 19th centuries. Take charge of vessels from England, France, the United States, Spain, and more as you battle in a full 3D world with visuals inspired from the naval art of the era. Thanks to an easy to use action system, commanding twenty vessels is as easy as commanding two. Scenarios, campaigns, and full editing capabilities allows for endless replayability.

The Star and the Crescent for $33.95. ProSIM takes on the Middle East! Another favorite of treadheads, The Star and the Crescent deals with the Arab-Israeli Wars and includes pre-Yom Kippur battles, the Yom Kippur War (the central focus of the game), and contemporary fictional conflicts. Enjoy large scale tank battles with highly detailed close air support mechanics and a full range of air defense. Scenarios take place on Soviet-era maps, available as enhanced color versions or the actual military map.

War Plan Pacific for $33.95. Who says you can’t do grand strategy in an evening? War Plan Pacific is the revolutionary wargame covering the entire war in the Pacific from US entry until the atomic bomb, playable in a single session. A very board game feel will make old wargamers feel right at home, while introducing new players to the joys of conflict simuations. Easy to grasp beer and pretzels mechanics coupled with deep, historical strategy, playable single or multiplayer.

winSPWW2 and winSPMBT Main Battle Tank Enhanced Editions, each only $33.95. The very best in tactical combined arms warfare. Based on the classic Steel Panthers engine, winSPWW2 and winSPMBT together provide gamers with almost a century of turn based land warfare. Featuring literally hundreds of scenarios, not to mention the campaigns and the ability to generate quick battles, both games offer a lifetime of gameplay separately. Own both and you better hope for immortality to experience all they have to offer. Periodic updates continue to add new content to both games.

World Supremacy for $25.45. The latest game to join the Shrapnel Games lineup, World Supremacy is from Malfador Machinations of Space Empires fame. One to eight players build armies, research technology, and conquer the world in a modern day setting. Using simplified mechanics, World Supremacy feels a lot like a cross between Axis & Allies and Attack!. True to Malfador’s game design philosophy World Supremacy fully supports modding.

Announcing the ProSIM Commander Bundle! For a limited time only (until the Memorial Day sale ends) you can grab the digital bundle that includes Air Assault Task Force, The Falklands War: 1982, Raging Tiger: The Second Korean War, and The Star and the Crescent for only $68.00! That’s a full 50% off the sale prices if purchased separately. The ProSIM Commander Bundle is digital ONLY, no physical copies.

Remember, the sale lasts thru May 31st. These are great prices, and with a long holiday weekend upon us there’s no better time to get your game on! Visit the Gamers Front here for these special offers:


Are you an active duty member of the US military or retired? Do you want to save 10% on all your Shrapnel Games purchases? Then take advantage of our Shrapnel's Savings for Scholars & Soldiers discount program by enrolling today. For all the details please visit the program’s page here:


For information on any of the games mentioned above, or to check out our complete line of award-winning titles, please visit us at www.shrapnelgames.com. Latest releases include the addictive puzzle-strategy game, Bronze, and World Supremacy.

For press related information please contact Scott R. Krol by using the following form:


To visit our company blog go to: forum.shrapnelgames.com/blog.php

For all other information, please contact:

Timothy W. Brooks
Shrapnel Games, Inc.
932 NE Maynard Rd.
PMB 126
Cary, NC 27513
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