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Old May 3rd, 2011, 11:00 PM
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Post Announcing The Shrapnel Games Sale: May Sweeps Madness!
Press Release Teaser: Prices Slashed On All Titles For A Limited Time!   

Announcing The Shrapnel Games Sale: May Sweeps Madness!
Prices Slashed On All Titles For A Limited Time!

Cary, NC, 04 May 2011

It’s May, which of course means it’s Sweeps! That time of year in which television attempts to woo the Nielsen audience with daring tales of fire, lightning, birth, death, downsizing, upsizing, evil twins, merely misunderstood twins, and of course stunt casting. Here at Shrapnel Games, your publisher since 1999 of award-winning independent strategy games, we’re not immune to Sweeps fever.

Sadly though we have had problems capitalizing on Sweeps. Our attempts at stunt casting Christopher Hewett (Mr. Belvedere) as Tim’s boss fell through. The wacky musical number we had planned failed when the realization hit that an entire show based off of bongo drums is not really a good idea. And let’s not even go into adding babies and animals to the cast. Who knew that toddlers and Komodo Dragons didn’t mix? Oh, and there is of course the problem that we’re actually a computer game publisher and not a television show. But hey, why should that stop us?

We finally decided that the best type of attention we could draw to Shrapnel Games would be to host a very special sale. And so, we present the May Sweeps Madness sale, running from today thru May 16th.

All our titles are on sale so there should be something for everyone! Fantasy, sci-fi, modern conflict, WWII, ancient history, it’s all here, and all discounted.

Save $10.00 off the normal retail pricing:

Space HoRSE

Save $7.00 off their normal retail pricing:

Dominions 3: The Awakening
The Falklands War: 1982

Save $6.00 on:

Air Assault Task Force
Air Command 3.0
ATF: Armored Task Force
The Star and the Crescent

How about taking $5.00 off:

Battle Group Commander: Episode One
BCT Commander
BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity
Raging Tiger: The Second Korean War
War Plan Pacific
World Supremacy

And $4.00 off the following:

Air Command 3.0 Airport Expansion Pack
Scallywag: In the Lair of the Medusa
Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space
winSPMBT: Main Battle Tank

Remember, these great savings won’t be around forever. The sale runs until May 16th, so hurry on over to the Gamers Front, our online store, to take advantage today!


The sale is also a great time to take advantage of our latest releases, Bronze and World Supremacy.

The highly acclaimed Bronze from Dreamspike Studios is as Troy Goodfellow, recently of PC Gamer wrote, “the best new board game without a board.” With roots entrenched in Eurogaming, Bronze offers players an exciting new approach to turn based strategy gaming.

Playing as one of twelve historical civilizations during the Bronze Age, it is your task to bring your empire to glory through conquest of the realms. This is not a wargame though, nor is it a 4X game. Instead, it is a game of tile laying and area control that is learned in minutes but remains challenging for years.

Ten campaigns, survival modes, hotseat multiplayer, and infinite custom matches provides limitless gameplay. Available for Windows only as a download.

Learn more about Bronze here:


From Malfador Machinations, renowned for the Space Empires franchise, comes their next great strategy title, World Supremacy. This time instead of conquering entire galaxies, players conquer a single world.

Set in a randomly generated fictional world for maximum replayabilty, World Supremacy is a light turn based strategy game of conquering the world, one area at a time using modern military hardware. Some light economics and a minimalist tech tree add to the strategies without bogging down its beer and pretzels style of action.

Supporting up to eight players, World Supremacy allows control of several starting variables, further adding to the replayability, and of course fully supports modding. Malfador Machinations, always a huge supporter of the fans, is currently working on several fan-based suggestions so be sure to check the World Supremacy page to ensure your version is the latest.

Read more about World Supremacy (available as a download for Windows) here:


Learn more about all titles on sale, download their demos, and join in the community at www.shrapnelgames.com.

For press related information please contact Scott R. Krol by using the following form: http://www.shrapnelgames.com/forms/c...nel_games.html

To visit our company blog go to: forum.shrapnelgames.com/blog.php
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