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Old October 3rd, 2006, 06:02 AM

DominionsFan DominionsFan is offline
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Default The Modder\'s Wishlist

I think it's a good idea to start this wishlist, since as we know, the devs will support the modders in the upcoming patches.

[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/PointRight.gif[/img] The ability to change spell names and descriptions.

Why is this important? Until we can't change these 2 things, we cannot modify the existing summoning spells + national summons properly. In the vanilla game, we can change the monster what will be summoned, however the spell name and description will be the same, since we cannot change those.
[[If you don't get it...Example: Summoning spell: Iron Dragon
We would like to change this spell, so it will summon trolls instead. When we cast the spell it will summon trolls, however the spell name will be "Iron Dragon" still, and the description will show that we gonna summon a dragon, not trolls. Once we can change the spell name to Summon Trolls, and change the description, that the spell will summon trolls and not a dragon, everything will be perfect.]]
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"Training is principally an act of faith. The athlete must believe in its efficacy: he must believe that through training he will become fitter and stronger, that by constant repetition of the same movements he will become more skillful."

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Old October 3rd, 2006, 07:06 AM
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Default Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist

* It isn't possible to add new national spells that have to be researched. The old #school and #research don't allow for that.

* It isn't possible to make sites that let everyone recruit the units. #com and #mon commands are needed in addition to #homecom and #homemon.

* All modding commands need #clear or similar command. Few examples:
#clear for weapons:
A sling can be cleared and redone so that it deals -2 damage, with strength added, instead of 9 damage with no str. Currently, it isn't possible to remove #nostr from a weapon.
#clear for sites:
National sites can be redone, e.g. to change Early Age Golden Era Arcos so that only Mage Engineers are restricted to capital while Engineers can be recruited anywhere.

* Scenario-type maps sometimes need more changes than the map commands allow. There should be a map command for a required mod that has to be enabled to play the map. The mod should be automatically enabled when a new game is created for the map, and error message should be shown if the mod isn't present.

* It should be possible to find out numbers of magic sites. That'd let us change national magic sites to e.g. add new national commanders. There are still sites with same names across the different eras of the same nation. The same for items, too!

* Age-restricted mods that don't affect games of other ages would make it easy to have more national spells in one age, especially if/when spell name and description modding are implemented. Example:
Mod that only works in Early Age could add a new nation that is given spells for summoning Tomb Oracles and Wailing Ladies that have very little to do with the Agarthan and Ermorian units of later ages.

#insanity is missing. Hey, insanity is fun...
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Old October 5th, 2006, 03:43 AM
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Default Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist

Well, since there's a modder's wishlist, I might as well link you up to [url=http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/threads/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=UBB74&Number=393960&fpart= &PHPSESSID=]This fabulous thread (the Mod Command Brainstom thread)[url]
It started way back in 23/11/05, and it features a lot of ideas that will be really cool if they were in the game.
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Old October 6th, 2006, 12:59 AM
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Default Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist

Some others ideas :

Poptypes modding (without having to edit the units in the poptype)
#selectpop [number]
#addpop [unitid/name]
#addcommander [unitid/name]

Commands to change the effects of experience (ex :
#xplevel 1 -> the following lines apply to the one star level
#hp=1 -> +1 hp
#str=2 -> + 2 strength

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Old October 6th, 2006, 02:52 PM

FrankTrollman FrankTrollman is offline
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Default Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist

Since it doesn't seem to be implented (yet), I would like:

[*] Mod Command to make extra effects from any spell.

I can copy stats frm an animist or an Ivy King to get extra Vine Ogres, but sometimes I want a character who makes extra effects from Crossbreeding, or Summer Lions, or even Magma Bolts. Any # effects spell should be a potential for a specialist to cast with extra effects.

[*] All Freespawn options should be open.

I would like to be able to freespawn things in castles, I would like to be able to freespawn things in areas with high dominon, I would like to be able to freespawn things in areas of high luck... etc. I know the code supports it because there are factions that do that (mostly R'lyeh and Ermor).

[*] Undead options should be moddable.

Longdead Giants and longdead C'tisians are a good start, but I want a chance to make longdead giant rats or longdead ant people. When you're making a non-human race, the ability to throw in ome appropriate longdead should be in there.

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Old October 11th, 2006, 11:29 PM

quantum_mechani quantum_mechani is offline
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Default Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist

I know there is far more that is wanted than can actually be added, but here are some commands I would find extremely useful:

Spell Modding



#effectsnmbr - Sets number of effects for a spell.

#dmg - Sets the damage a spell does

#mrneagtes - Sets if a spell is effected by mr, input of 0 would be not at all, 1 would be neagated, 2 would be easily negated.

#aoe - Sets aoe for a spell.

#range - Sets range for spell.

#copyspell - This would create a new spell with the same basic function as the one it is based on. In this way you could for instance make a new summoning spell to bind large numbers serpent fiends at once, or make an area of effect blink.

Monster Modding

#scalesensitive - Sets scale which unit is sensitive too (such as ice devils with cold/heat).

#senseamount - Sets severity of sensitivity from the #scalesensitive command.

Commander Modding

#summonallies - First number would set number of units to summon, second number would set monster number of units to summon.

Site Modding


#entersummon - Sets number and monster number of units to be summoned when mage enters (required mage path set by base site type).

#enterritual - Sets spell to be cast when mage enters site (as in scrying spell sites).

Magic Item Modding

#mainlevel - Same as current command, but could be set to 0, causing the item to cost 1 gem (one level of the path would still be required to forge it). This would be extremely handy for dealing with some hard to balance items.

#castspell - Sets spell that can be cast by commander wielding item in battle.

#castritual - Sets ritual that can be cast as an order by commander wielding item.

#fireres - And the rest of the resists.

#mr - Can be negative.

Poptype Modding







#defcom1 - Sets first type of commander in defense of province at the start of game.


#defunit1 - Sets first type of troop in defense of province at the start of game.


Scales Modding

#drainmr - Sets amount drain/magic scale changes mr.

#drainenc - Sets amount drain/magic scale changes spell casting encumbrance.
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Old October 12th, 2006, 01:14 AM

Frostmourne27 Frostmourne27 is offline
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Default Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist

quantum_mechani said:
Poptype Modding







#defcom1 - Sets first type of commander in defense of province at the start of game.


#defunit1 - Sets first type of troop in defense of province at the start of game.

Aren't there some poptypes that get more than 2 unit types? maybe allow for five or six, to create more interesting/varried poptypes?
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Old October 12th, 2006, 06:41 AM

DominionsFan DominionsFan is offline
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Default Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist

quantum_mechani said:
I know there is far more that is wanted than can actually be added, but here are some commands I would find extremely useful:

Spell Modding



#copyspell - This would create a new spell with the same basic function as the one it is based on. In this way you could for instance make a new summoning spell to bind large numbers serpent fiends at once, or make an area of effect blink.

Monster Modding

#scalesensitive - Sets scale which unit is sensitive too (such as ice devils with cold/heat).

#senseamount - Sets severity of sensitivity from the #scalesensitive command.

Commander Modding

#summonallies - First number would set number of units to summon, second number would set monster number of units to summon.

Site Modding


#entersummon - Sets number and monster number of units to be summoned when mage enters (required mage path set by base site type).

#enterritual - Sets spell to be cast when mage enters site (as in scrying spell sites).

Very nice list QM. All of your suggestions are excellent. I quoted out the most important modding commands from your list, what should be added at all costs.
Dominions 3. Wallpapers & Logos

"Training is principally an act of faith. The athlete must believe in its efficacy: he must believe that through training he will become fitter and stronger, that by constant repetition of the same movements he will become more skillful."
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Old October 13th, 2006, 04:32 AM
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Default Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist

Mod to cancel/alter the OLD AGE effect for commanders.

i suggest doing that for each unit, like
#unit (number)
#age 66
#start_of_old_age 80

it would be nice to mod old age effects and their probability per turn:
#old_age_disease 0.05
#old_age_feeblemind 0.1
#old_age_limp 0.3
#old_age_eyeloss 0.15
#old_age_armloss 0.0
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Old October 13th, 2006, 04:38 AM
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Default Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist

7.50 #maxage <age>
This maximum age for a monster. After this age it will
risk getting afflicitions and eventually die. Default is 50.

7.75 #startage <age>
The start age for a monster. Usually there is no need to
set this as it will be calculated automatically depending
on startage and skills. An age of zero clears this command
and an age of -1 sets start age to zero.

I think there is a typo in the latter description. I think it should read "dpending on maxage and skills". In my Anansi mod age didn't work correctly, but that might be because he's a shapechanger.
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