
September 9th, 2005, 12:03 AM
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capturing population
I am running low on population in a game, and I have never been good at troops, capturing population, and that sort of thing, but I was wondering if anyone can help me out so I can start!
does capturing and using other people just count towards your pop total, do they use their own racial traits or mine, will they riot more e.t.c
I just need pop quickly, and dont want it if they rebel more or if anything bad happens!

September 9th, 2005, 12:08 AM
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Re: capturing population
They just currently count toward your population count. No racial traits are transferred.
It was suggested that when populations are captured in SE 5, that their racial traits remain in effect. Lets cross our fingers to see it this request makes it into the game.
To build up population, build a few dozen transports, mediums work the best, and turn on your TRANSPORT minister then active the ship minister for each transport. The AI will move populations about and help to slowly build up your population base.
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September 9th, 2005, 12:30 AM
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Re: capturing population
Thanks, didn't know about that transport one, is it actually smart, or does it fill up the transport, and dump it somewhere else? I have about 10 big juggernaughts full up with cargo bays (to deliver fighters to other planets) and they are in mothball, I dont want them dumping tons of people about as I probably only have enough population for 3 runs!
a bit of background if interested!
I am playing the star trek mod on a smallish map, it is around turn 800... i thought it would be a quick game on small! but I gave the AI to much time to build up, and it is my first time ever playing a full game with intel, (doing my first pbw game with it, so I want to get used to it) I was not ready, and all my planets got done in on conditions, and apart from 3% because of happiness and reproduction centers, I have nothing much, put climate changers on every planet, but they seem to do nothing, I have got a sphere world with 5 climate changers, it seems to be staying at optimal, but I want to spread people around! I have about 10billion people, and 2 diffrent ai's have about 2T! (other AI surrender) I am gradually taking the galaxy now, but not enough population to populate everywhere!

September 9th, 2005, 12:35 AM
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Re: capturing population
Please note that climate changers only make a change each year (each time the stardate ends in 0). The optimal planet will not get any better because it can't. Optimal is , well, the optimal climate. It doesn't get any better.

September 9th, 2005, 12:45 AM
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Re: capturing population
Yearly climate improvement happnes on date x.1, not x.0.

September 9th, 2005, 01:00 AM
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Re: capturing population
I just meant that I have got tons of planets now, been able to close off warp holes, and make my own network that is well protected, I have got about 140 planets (converted every rock as well, the minister on steller manipulations on my planet creaters didnt work  ) and they each have about 30-70mil people, and one big sphere world with 3000mil people.
every planet is on 3% but this one with 28% I am hoping that with the 5 climate changers, it will mean that if the place gets bombed in intel, I will be able to change it back pretty fast! (when it reaches .1) I have got at least 1 climate changer on every planet, and every one is taking its time!
anyway on that last question, does minister on transport mean it will take full loads and put them around, or be smart and just take what is needed?

September 9th, 2005, 01:26 AM
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Re: capturing population
Okay, first, you need to worry about Intel. NO, not the chip company. You need to research intel tech all the way up, as well as computers. You then need to manufacture planets full of intel centers, with one Citizen Computer Complex (??) on each to boost their production. Last, you want to go to the intel screen and start doing Anti-Intelligence projects - but DON'T LET THEM FINISH! Every time the enemy does an intel hit , it will knock off some points from your last intel project - when one intel project is almost full, make sure to put it at the end of your queue (and *don't* set the "even fill" button) With sufficient intel production, a single enemy can't touch you.

September 9th, 2005, 01:36 AM
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Re: capturing population
The transport minister works best with small transports, since it only deals with whole-loads of population.
What you probably want to do is micromanage your pop, and keep the high-growth planet just below max.
Then skim one turn's growth of population off the top, and send them to your major production worlds to slave away
As for capturing population, the easiest way is probably to just take your big transports and a good sized fleet of direct-fire ships (no missiles!)
Fill one or two transports with troops, and save the rest for hauling away the slaves.
1) Be sure your transports have their strategy set to "capture planet"
2) Be sure your fleet is set to break formation.
3) Attack planets with lots of population.
The warships will blast the planet until the weapon platforms are gone, and then the troop transports will land.
A huge transport full of troops should capture almost any planet in stock and in most mods.
On the next turn, the planet should be yours, and you can load all your troops back up along with the people.
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September 9th, 2005, 01:41 AM
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Re: capturing population
I really dont get intel, so I built 5 intel buildings on every planet with 20/25 facilities, I can complete a level 3 counter in one go, and I have 12 set on divide points, I really do not have a clue.
I have now set it to not devide, but do I need to then destory some of my facilities... sorry, intel just really confuses the hell out of me!

September 9th, 2005, 02:01 AM
Shrapnel Fanatic
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Re: capturing population
Completing a counter-intel project makes it useless.
It sounds like you'd be better off putting a bunch of Puppet Political Party projects in the queue, with a counter intel to absorb the scraps left over.
Soon, you'll have all the enemy planets under your control, and thus more population than you can shake a transport at.
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