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Old June 18th, 2007, 09:58 AM

Sombre Sombre is offline
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Default Warhammer Nations

I'm making this thread to talk about Warhammer Nations generally, since I plan on doing many/some/most/none/quasar of them,.... over the course of a loooong time, obviously.

I'll post thoughts I have about nations that aren't the skaven (which I'm already working on) here.

My proposed list of Warhammer Nations (not in any order, subject to name change):

Chaos Dwarfs
Greenskins (mountain/badland dwellers mainly)
Savage Greenskins (forest gobs and savage orcs mainly)
High Elves
Wood Elves
Dark Elves
Vampire Counts (excluding carstein)
Traditional Undead (including carstein)
Tomb Kings of Khemri
Tilea AKA Dogs of War
Chaos Hordes (tribes, warriors, daemons)
Beasts of Chaos (beastman warband effectively)
Ogre Kingdoms

Have I missed any?

I'll post prelim army lists for them in following posts.
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Old June 18th, 2007, 10:02 AM

Sombre Sombre is offline
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Default Warhammer Dwarfs


Warhammer Racial Notes

Ancestral Grudge, Resolute, Relentless

M 3
WS 4
BS 3
S 3
T 4
W 1
I 2
A 1
Ld 9

Dwarfs are slow in combat, very stubborn and hard to break, very tough, skilled, quite expensive per model

Dominions Racial Notes

Hp - 12 (Smaller than humans, but much tougher)
Prot - 4 (tough little sods)
str - 11 (dwarfs are clearly strong given their weapons/armour)
att - 11/12 (all skilled fighters)
def - 10 (skilled, but lower initiative)
ap - 8 (with the armour, this makes them a very slow army)
mr - 13 (dwarfs are famed for resisting magic)
mor - 14 (They have the best morale in Warhammer)
gcost - 12 (Clearly higher than regular troops)
prec - 10/11 (dwarfs like ranged combat almost as much as melee)
mapmove - 2 (although slow in battle, they have great endurance and tunnel systems)
enc - 2 (dwarfs don't tire easily)
size - 2 (though short, dwarfs have quite high mass and do not swarm)

Other abilities

Darkvision 50%
Mountain Survival
Siegebonus 1 (All dwarfs have knowledge of siege warfare)
Castledef 2 (dwarfs are experts in defensive tactics)


Emphasise defence and patient warfare - good PD and forts
Not outnumber most enemies or win through numbers
Be powerful both at range and in melee
Have top notch forging but not battlemagic (smiths with high enc?)
Have superior equipment and a strong emphasis on resources
Be relatively capital centric
Not take losses lightly
Be totally drain immune


Clansman (medium armour, shield, dwarf axe)
Clansman (heavy armour, shield, dwarf axe)
Crossbow (medium armour, dwarf crossbow, dwarf axe)
Longbeard (heavy armour, shield, broadsword - superb morale, standard effect)
Ironbreaker (very heavy armour, shield, dwarf axe - resists various nasty things)
Ranger (medium armour, battleaxe, dwarf crossbow - stealth, forest survival)
Miner (heavy armour, dwarf pickaxe - stealth, siegebonus)
Slayer (no armour, broadsword + dwarf axe - awesome morale, berserk, high str)
Hammerer (heavy armour, runehammer - elite, sacred unit)
Rune Guard (very heavy armour, shield, runeaxe - elite, sacred, mapmove 1)


Thane (basic leader)
Lord (great leader)
Dragon Slayer (ok leader, good thug)
King (sacred, superb leader, rare)
Rune Smith (sacred, E2/3, forge 25)
Rune Lord (sacred, forge 50, E3/4/5)
Rune Priest (H2 only E1, forge 25)
Engineer (EF magic, siegebonus, constructs/researches)


Anvil of Doom (the portable old version, complete with Rune Lord, H3)


Rune Lightning spell should be at H3 E2 or something, very powerful, used by Anvil
Bolt thrower as a construction spell, available to engineers
Steam Cannon?
Flame Cannon?


High King on Throne of Power (Thorgrim Grudgebearer - huge standard effect, spawns hammerers)
Slayer King (Ungrim Ironfist - super thug, spawns slayers)
Master Brewer (Joseph Bugman - ranger who provides supplies, spawns rangers)
Engineer Guildmaster (Burlock Damminson - FE mage, can summon machines)
King and Shieldbearers (Alrik Ranulfsson - traditionalist, summons clansmen and breakers)
Rune Lord with True Doom Anvil (Thorek Ironbrow - traditionalist, summons rune guard, can use the 'Rune of Doom' which creates a force of ghostly dwarfs of vengeance)

There were a couple of others in an older army book version but I don't quite remember them. A king with a horn and a mad runelord I think.
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Old June 18th, 2007, 02:40 PM

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Default Re: Warhammer Dwarfs

Sounds very nice, although i would probably knock their base goldcost up to 15(almost all-round better stats, dark vision, shockres, mountain survival, siege bonus AND defence bonus).
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Old June 18th, 2007, 03:47 PM

Theonlystd Theonlystd is offline
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Default Re: Warhammer Nations

That does look like all the Nations/Races.

And the Dwarf stuff sounds good
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Old June 18th, 2007, 07:04 PM

BandarLover BandarLover is offline
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Default Re: Warhammer Nations

Looks like you covered all the bases, though I admit I'm not familiar with Kislev.

And I bring up this next point only because it was brought to my attention when making my sad little mod: Thane translates into Lord so your basic and great leader are essentially the same thing. Maybe make basic leader chieftain or somesuch. It's semantics though I suppose.

You are making yourself one busy, busy person.

But I'm like everyone else here, super excited to see you pull all this off.
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Old June 18th, 2007, 11:18 PM

Sombre Sombre is offline
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Default Re: Warhammer Nations

Kislev was a supplementary army list for Empire - because Empire, like Greenskins, actually have too much variety I decided to give them their own nation using the old White Dwarf published army list.

Thane and Lord are the titles from the Warhammer Army: Dwarfs book. I generally stick with those.

As for the goldcost - I actually left that in by mistake. It should be higher, like 14 or so per dwarf. The shockres will only be about 25%. It's just there to emphasise how well they resist magical energy. I don't want to make them ultra expensive because the national troops of the nation have to be a focus (as they have pretty crappy magic).
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Old June 19th, 2007, 12:44 AM

BandarLover BandarLover is offline
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Default Re: Warhammer Nations

Ah I see. And I like using thane and lord myself, just thought I would be annoying.

So what would be the Kislev units then? Are they geared more towards innovative arms and technology? I'm not too familiar with Empire.
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Old June 19th, 2007, 02:02 AM
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Default Re: Warhammer Nations

Kislev is a cold, barren border-land between the chaos wastes and the empire. They rely on ice magic and polish/slavic type light cavalry. No technology there.
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Old June 19th, 2007, 03:33 AM

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Default Re: Warhammer Nations

Oo lizardmen Wonderful!!
Plenty of giant lizards running around crushing the warmbloods
My dragon collection!
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Old June 19th, 2007, 03:39 AM
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Default Re: Warhammer Nations

Um, The empire is like the 40k verson of the space marines right? if so, someone has got to make them!!! space marines rock.
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