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Old May 30th, 2008, 07:17 PM

Maraxus Maraxus is offline
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Default Nation: MA Marverni

Hi. I deceided to take my favorite nation: Marverni into the middle age. Here are the new sprites (2 old ones reappear, too)

I got inspiration in the history of europe but mixed stuff up to make it more interesting and added other stuff, no historic correctness here.

Story is, that a new church rises in marverni, as it develops better equipment (x-bows and full chain).
The contrast between the old druidic faith and the new church is central, althrough both serve the pretender god.

This is the new stuff. At the same time, I tried to keep some of the Marverni-feeling. Thus, the Druid is still recruidable anywhere but got nerfed (would be to strong for middle age).
Max paths got hit heavy (only Astral and Earth 3 now). Additionally, Druid and Gutuater are Heretics(1).
On the other hand, in place of the Stargazer, there are now 2 mages from the new church: The Miracle worker is basicly a lesser druid, no holy and fire in place of nature. Hoping for a side-searcher is tough (1 in 160) but fire 1 in combination with earth makes a good forger.
The second one is the Monk. He does not cast himself but has holy 1 and 3 research.

Troops got mayor changes, like Ulm. The only old guy left is the Gadrauth, who follows the Canute Warrior, allthrough more expencive and with a better armor.
For the rest of the troops, cooperation was the main theme, so there is no simple choise who to recruite.
Mass is still a concept, your militia is damn strong for 7 gold, you just need to find a solution for it's weak points: Moral and survivability:
Moral: The Horn blower is no longer, in it's place steps the banner maiden, who does not really fight herself (just one horse hoof) and has a really superior standart.
For the defence, there are the holy templers, recruitable anywhere, tough troops, good suited for a simple earth 9 bless.

Last, there is the knight - a capitol only guy with nothing but pure, deadly combat power for minimum gold, with the only weakness, that there are never enough of them.

Edit: I take the overall silence as a sign, that it's both, well-balanced and incredibily boring.

Version 2:
-Increased Scout stealth 0->10
-Fixed numbers of ressources used.
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Last edited by lch; August 26th, 2008 at 08:03 AM..
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Old May 30th, 2008, 10:04 PM

Aezeal Aezeal is offline
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Default Re: Nation: MA Marverni

I always though marignon was the succesor of Marveni.. but I guess dominions history is changable
Want a blend of fantasy and sci-fi? Try the total conversion Dominions 3000 mod with a new and fully modded solar system map.
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Old June 3rd, 2008, 05:04 AM
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Default Re: Nation: MA Marverni

scout should have steahlth 10, not stealht 0
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Old June 3rd, 2008, 11:19 AM
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Default Re: Nation: MA Marverni

You have some nice sprites in there.
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Old June 3rd, 2008, 03:32 PM

Maraxus Maraxus is offline
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Default Re: Nation: MA Marverni

Okay, scout fixed. I'm living soo in the past.
(new version in the top post, this post used to get the sprites up in a jpg for the first post to show.)
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Old June 3rd, 2008, 08:22 PM

Sombre Sombre is offline
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Default Re: Nation: MA Marverni

Some nice sprites. I'm a little worried about the spelling in the mod though, just judging by your sprites.

Don't worry about lack of feedback. If you keep updating it, put up a graphical preview etc (which you've sensibly done) people will get around to it. Generally mods lack feedback but the good ones that are supported always get some in the end.
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Old June 4th, 2008, 09:04 AM
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Default Re: Nation: MA Marverni

I was about to check this one out quickly, but apparently the new patch messed something up with the magic paths of recruitables, so I can't give very meaningful feedback atm.

The first thing I thought about when reading your description though was: Earth/fire mage = Magma eruption.
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Old June 4th, 2008, 05:06 PM
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Default Re: Nation: MA Marverni

Okey, turns out the bug problem has something to do with combining several mods at once, it's currently being discussed in the bug thread.

Which means that I now managed to take a quick look at your mod. Hurray!

Some impressions: (this is without playing, mind you)

* Graphics are nice, and the gutater and druid don't appear out of place among them, which is a big plus. At first glance the baron captain looks very similar to regular heavy cavalry though, while I believe the unit should stand out a bit. Probably just messing with the colour scheme will achieve this. (the detail in that picture is very nice btw)

* The military as a whole is rather resource intensive. Not quite Ulmish levels, but "keeping the Marverni feeling" and "keep mass as a concept" to quote you doesn't really seem apply here. Both militia units are indeed quite easy to mass though.

* The regular troops have very low MR. So far Ulm are the only human nation with MR lower than 10. (Unless I forgot about one) And even in Ulm the MR is raised from 8 in EA to 9 in MA. Of course this doesn't mean that you can't give your guys MR 9 if you want to. I even quite like the rationale for the lowered MR on the militia, but on the regular troops it feels wrong somehow. (This is of course only my personal opinion)

* Both militia units are cool. I like what you've tried to do with lowering MR and morale, while keeping the other stats - and their equipment - decent. I'm curious to see how it plays out on the field.

* It's quite a shock to inspect a unit called 'marksman', and then find a precision 9 unit. Perhaps you could consider renaming it? Then again, crossbowman sounds horribly boring. Other than that surprise I really like this unit though. If you want to see the power of easily massed crosbows, take a look at Marignon. (of course these guys are weaker, and also cost a 50% more resources, so they're not quite that good. Still a very nice unit though. And communions give you access to flaming arrows too.

* Even your heaviest troops have mapmove 1, which is quite unusual. This was intentional?

* The royal knights are indeed excellent, probably the best non-sacred heavy cavalry of the age. The price seems a correct reflection of this fact. The warhoof attack is an innovation from CBM, and does not normally exist in vanilla play. I do understand (and approve of) the reasoning to improve the hoof attack in CBM. I just wanted to point this out to make sure you thought about this.

* The templars have very average stats, lower than many non-sacred human elites. On the plus side they're dirt cheap (upkeep is the same as the regular infantry), and with their good morale and fabulour MR this will be the (only?) melee infantry unit you recruit in mid/end game, even without a bless.

* The Gadrauth have the exact same stats as their EA counterparts (unless I missed something), yet they cost 3g more. Since you kept the druids as priests, it would be defensible to have these guys be sacred too. (and personally I would like them to be) The fanatically devout followers of the old faith and counterparts/rivals of the templars of the new faith and all that...

* Magical diversity of this nation is (really) low. You only have E S and N at site-searching levels, and F/W at one. (Which means you get W2 at const 6. You can also forge rings of wizardry without pretender help) Furthermore your paths do not lend themselves to diversification through summoning. (Pritty much only faery court for air magic)

* The druids are too expensive. I realise you already considerably lowered their price from the EA version, but they were (I suppose) highly priced to reflect their frightening maximum levels in E/S. Compare the druids with Marignon grand masters for instance(1,1 more magic path, 1 more holy, inquisitor and no heretic, at 270g) Or the celestial master (also 1,1 more level of magic, though very much spread out at 250g) Both of these are admittedly capital only, but I still think a price in the region of 250g would more accurately reflect their power. Adding the fixed point of N magic instead of keeping the randoms hurts them quite badly, which I think was the idea. With correct pricing they'll still be a very solid mage though.

* I misread your description of the Miracle worker. Somehow I interpreted it to be he had lost the druids S magic, instead of the holy. Hence my comment about the magma eruption in the previous post. As is the fire is indeed useful for forging as you write in your post. They will also fill a battlefield role very similar to Arco's Mystics, communioning to cast all manner of evocations depending on their randoms. The mystic is a bit better (0.4 more paths of magic total, plus a more intresting combination of randoms, and the real possibility of F/W searching. And only 10g more expensive) 140g still seems a decent price for a mage with his abilities though, unless you want to really make him stand out.

* The gutater is a decent researcher (better research/upkeep than the two above) but other than that he doesn't bring much to the nation. I think I'd prefer to recruit Miracle workers for the communion/battlemagic potential when threatened.

* Both your H1 priests are very intresting units. The hospitaller can be seen as a regular H1 priest you pay 10g extra for in exchange for a weak healing ability. Nice, thematic, worth it. And ultimately not very game-changing.

* The Monk is something else though. Only EA Arco's philosopher has the same research/upkeep ratio, nothing else comes close. Of course, not being a mage limits his uses as anything but a researcher, though at least he can bless/banish/preach when the need calls for it. Have you tested recruiting these guys heavily to blitz your research output? I'm not sure how it will play out, and it might very well turn out to be balanced in the end, but I do think this does need some serious testing to see if it's exploitable.

* As someone said above, there are quite a few spelling errors in the description, to the point of being slightly annoying. If you want I can have a quick look and give you a list of those I catch. (which won't be all of them since I'm notoriously bad at proofreading, but it'll be some at least. )
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Old June 6th, 2008, 06:03 AM
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Default Re: Nation: MA Marverni

Can you please give the link to this bug thread?
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Old June 6th, 2008, 01:35 PM
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Default Re: Nation: MA Marverni

It doesn't have it's own thread. You can find it in page 130 and 131 of the bug (discussion) thread. ( http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...fpart=130&vc=1 )

The technical discussion went way over my head, but if I understood correctly it appears to have something to do with the order in which you activate your mods.
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