Let me present you the (humble beginning of) the ReBalance Mod for Dominions 3 !!
This mods tries to achieve a quite different feel how the game plays. Some of it's changes are minor, some are rather drastic. I expect quite some outscries from the community that this or that will/does/cannot work this way. But please - test this first and come back with statistical relevant evidence (savegames) - your 'gut feelings' might be thoroughly wrong!
Here's a draft overview of the changes I made:
ReBalance: Basic Rules v0.02
unresthalfinc 25 - amount of unrest that cuts income in half. Default 50.
unresthalfres 50 - amount of unrest that cuts resources in half. Default 100.
eventisrare 20 - value is the chance of a random event to be a rare one. Default 15
turmoilincome 4 - effect turmoil and order has on income. Default 7.
turmoilevents 10 - turmoil affects the event frequency. Default 5.
slothincome 5 -effect sloth and productivity has on income. Default 2.
slothresources 12 -effect sloth and productivity has on resources. Default 10.
coldincome 4 -effect cold and heat has on income. Default 5.
coldsupply 15 -effect cold and heat has on supplies. Default 10.
deathincome 6 -effect death and growth has on income. Default 2.
deathdeath 2 -effect death and growth has on population in 0.1% per month. Default is 2.
deathsupply 20 -effect death and growth has on supplies. Default 20.
luckevents 5 -luck affects the event frequency. Default 5.
misfortune 15 -(mis)fortune affects the possibility of an event being good. Default is 10.
ReBalance: Spells v0.02
Nearly nothing atm. Expect to see summons become 1.5-2x as expensive and cost upkeep in gold in future versions. Exception will be up-ot-now mostly unused low-level-summons and the like.
Change the path costs of "Sea Lions" and "Bog Beasts" to be A) more sensible compared to each other and B) to make Sea Lions castable by LA Atlantis.
ReBalance: Units and Equipment v0.02
Changes to pathes of LA Atlantis mages (only 50% random pathes in the game AFAIK) to make them a little bit more useful and consistent with the story/MA Atlantis. Prices changed accordingly.
Fixed some units equipment.
Missile weapons:
-- javeling & slings, bows and Xbows get +2 acc --
-- bows become armor piercing with DAM/2 --
-- Xbows need 1 more turn to fire, reduced range --
-- ammos gets doubled to keep archers from entering --
-- melee in slighty prolonged battles --
Have fun, and feel free to discuss! No flames please, doctor said I shouldn't get excited so much