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August 10th, 2006, 05:18 AM
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Long campaign
I've played all the steel panthers games since the beginning of the series.
I often play long campaigns, but there is a feature missing in it. You can only select 3 opponents.
It would be very cool if we could have some flexibity here. So, I have a suggestion.
The grand campaign could be split in "conflicts".
For each conflict, we could select 3 opponents, as it is now. We would also select the length. When the conflict is other, then the player is prompted for a new conflict, that will start just after the previous one, with the same core troops, but with possibly different opponents and lenght.
It would be nice to if sometime the ennemy force was a mix of the possible opponents.
Exemple: Fight as the US from 45 to 54 against USSR, East Germany and Israel. One of the battle could be against a mixed force of USSR / Germany.. Then from 55 to 75 against Vietnam, Canada and Russia, etc.
It would also be cool if we could select area of the world when figthing (like for WWII where we can select North Africa or Eastern Europe).
Last thing, it would be cool if we could reorganize the core troops, like removing an existing formation to make room for a new one.

August 11th, 2006, 06:37 AM
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Re: Long campaign
No feedback from anyone?

August 11th, 2006, 03:06 PM
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Re: Long campaign
1] We have no plans to change the "three opponent" set up
2] When you set up your campaign you have the option of using the defaut map for the opponents you chose OR you can select from generic maps of "Plains" "forest" "desert" "mountains" or "Jungle". IN ADDITION to this you have the option with every battle of clicking on "View Map" then selecting a favortite Battle location number OR redrawing the map you are given OR selecting a hand made map OR clicking on the random map generator and enter in whatever values you like and that includes the season and with the season changed going back to the main view map screen allows you to select maps "out of season" ..that is.... if you set the season to "desert" then type in "243" you'll get "Inland Sweden" with desert terrain so you already have a wide variety of options for selecting where you are fighing and the terrain you are fighting on
3]You can add to your core at any time or change the units that you don't want into something you do. As well, WinSPww2 already allows core force deletion while in the "expand core" mode and the plan is to allow this in MBT as well for the next release.

August 11th, 2006, 04:13 PM
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Re: Long campaign
Hi Don, How it looks with new patch for Winspmbt? It is quite a long time i saw anoucement. Can you tell as something,at least in general, will new patch include just changes from Winspww2 or it will have more new stuff? I know taht it will be done when it will be done, but few informations for fans is always a good thing...

August 11th, 2006, 10:43 PM
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Re: Long campaign
A few of the changes that will be made to WinSPMBTv3 predate WinSPww2 and in fact were added to WinSPWW2 because of the changes made to MBT after v2.51 was released so although there are changes that match the ones in WinSPww2 in some cases they were originally added to WinSPMBTv3. Once case in point are the changes made to the AI's reaction fire routines which are more involved that the ones in WinSPWW2 because the weapons are more varied over the represented time periods.
Exactly what is in the patch will be announced when it's done or almost done. I'm not big on making promises about features that may or may not eventually be in the game.

August 12th, 2006, 03:37 AM
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Re: Long campaign
Thank you Don.

August 12th, 2006, 05:04 AM
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Re: Long campaign
DRG said:
2] When you set up your campaign you have the option of using the defaut map for the opponents you chose OR you can select from generic maps
3]You can add to your core at any time or change the units that you don't want into something you do. As well, WinSPww2 already allows core force deletion while in the "expand core" mode and the plan is to allow this in MBT as well for the next release.
2] Ok, but then it's not easy to make a long campaign that starts in 1945 and end in 2020, as we are "stuck" with the same 3 opponents and terrain settings. I'd like to play with the same period, some core troops, but more variety.
Here is another idea: would it be possible, when setting a campaign, to "import" a core troop from an existing saved game?
So we could create a 1945 to 1965 campaign against 3 opponents in forest. When it is finished, we could create a new campaign from 1965 to 1985,but instead of creating a new core troop, use a "import" button select the last saved game of the previous campaign, and get the core troops.
I hope it would not require to much change in the code.
3] I know we can add and replace, but sometimes I want also to delete or reorganize. But if it will be included in a further version, then it's fine

August 12th, 2006, 12:21 PM
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Re: Long campaign
The game is not designed to play a long campaign spread out across 75 years. Think about that... it's FOUR generations of soldiers. Yes, you CAN do it but that's not the intent of the game. As I recall we say as much in the game guide and recommend short time spans. If you want to try to play 75 year campaigns go right ahead but I'm betting you're the only one who's tried to.
As well, I explained how to change the terrain settings using the view map screen with every battle. You have an huge number of options available to you to change maps

August 12th, 2006, 08:06 PM
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Re: Long campaign
Seventy five year campaigns! More proof that no matter how much you try in betatesting the game, when you release it into the world, users will find problems, whether or not they exist or not, because they'll do completely unexpected things.

August 13th, 2006, 01:18 PM
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Re: Long campaign
So... The long campaign is here only to play a few years... When why allow upgrading units to newly released models?
In WWII, we can have a fun long campaign with Germany for instance, playing the whole war on several theaters.
I'd like to do the same with MBT, start in Korea, then move to Vietnam, then anywhere else, but keep the same core troops. Of course it's not the same generation, but it could be the same training, standards, etc.
And by the way, when you take loss and repair the unit, you do get new generation.
I'm surprised to see that apparently I'm the only one to try that. Was it so unexpected to play such kind of campaign?
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