
May 20th, 2004, 06:41 PM
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v91 Boarding Parties
I have found that in Version .91 that boarding parties will board ships with self destruct devices intact. This will then blow both ships up. It works in Stratigic mode as well as Tactical and Auto turns during Tactical. I believe this was not the case in earlier Versions. Before the boarding parties would not board if a self destruct device was in the enemy ship unless you forced it to in tactical combat. I have not seen this reported before.
It was great taking out those battleships with an equal number of light crusiers though. 
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May 20th, 2004, 06:45 PM
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Re: v91 Boarding Parties
I'm not sure, but I beleive the same thing happened in 1.84. Seems like but my memory is sometimes faulty.
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May 20th, 2004, 06:54 PM
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Re: v91 Boarding Parties
I think it was indeed so in 1.84 (and possibly before, but I never played anything but 1.84 and 1.91, so), and the 1.91 Version shouldn't have changed anything regarding boarding.
But you shouldn't get me started on the SDD, which happens to be my main pet peeve with this game, and... I am digressing.

May 20th, 2004, 07:08 PM
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Re: v91 Boarding Parties
I really can't remember any time it had a possibility of occurring duing v84. I either boarded ships without SD devices, or was in direct tactical command. I do remember that it would never occur at one time in Gold. I think there is even a line in the stratigy guide about it. It may need to be changed now.
I thought of the sun as a big bright ball of something that produced an intense absence of darkness. Alan Dean Foster No More Crystal Tears

May 20th, 2004, 07:16 PM
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Re: v91 Boarding Parties
It has been mentioned in the "Update the FAQ" thread here. (In the latest Posts by Slick and Grandpa Kim)
By the looks of it, it was already so under 1.84, and there seem to be a few other glitches with boarding. I have yet to see these though, but I haven't exactly delved much into strategical battles, so.
[ May 20, 2004, 18:17: Message edited by: Alneyan ]

May 20th, 2004, 08:14 PM
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Re: v91 Boarding Parties
While some may think it a glitch, I think it is OK as is. I'd hate to think the installation of such a small device (meaning it's likely to be one of the Last components destroyed) would stop boarders. I tend to put shields and defenders to stop boarders so my ship won't blow...if it was the other way, I might forego shields and boarders. Also, I like the chance to use a small vessel to try to take the big ones...and if I can't get it, at least I can get it to SD.
ALLIANCE, n. In international politics, the union of two thieves who have their hands so deeply inserted in each other's pocket that they cannot separately plunder a third. (Ambrose Bierce)

May 20th, 2004, 08:25 PM
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Re: v91 Boarding Parties
One day, I swear, I will make a clear message rather than one which can only be understand by myself.
By "glitch" I actually meant what Grandpa Kim refers in his post, when he says that some ships do not always board their target or fire their weapons.
I think you know my own thoughts concerning boarders Slynky from our recent games.  I will admit I don't exactly like the idea of having such a panacea component able to ward off any boarding attempt, as it makes boarding usually nigh impossible. (Unless you count "destroying the targetted ship" as being a successful boarding obviously)

May 23rd, 2004, 08:12 PM
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Re: v91 Boarding Parties
Interestingly, i actually *rely* on this at times. If the enemy sends in a huge fleet of war ships, i have a border defense consisting of around 100 boarding ships. Often times this has saved me, because thier very cheap to build (1 turn) and will destroy a ship many times thier own size (!) without firing a shot.
It does seem sort of illogical though - but then alot of things in SE IV are illogical (or could only be explained by extreme fanatacism on the part of an empire).
just a thought,

May 23rd, 2004, 08:13 PM
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Re: v91 Boarding Parties
Its not illogical. The ship only SDs when it is going to be captured if it doesn't. Better 100 ships dead on both sides then you now having -200- ships and they 0..
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May 23rd, 2004, 08:21 PM
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Re: v91 Boarding Parties
And it is what shields are for as well, since you cannot board a shielded target. You would need to put Shield Depleters (and a lot of them, just in case) on your boarders as well, and the build time reaches at least two turns then. (Assuming you have a Space Yard III and good construction rate bonuses, so it will likely be more three turns)
My understanding of the SDD is that the boarders cannot know about it, and so are willing to try their luck at capturing this ship. How would you know before boarding the ship that it can, or cannot, self destruct? At least it explains why your crews are willing to get killed by triggering a SDD, if fanatism isn't part of your Empire.
I will admit I would prefer if the self-destruct didn't always happen, and a mean to disable this device would be useful as well. Since the SDD is supposed to overload the engines, thus destroying the ship, how can it do so when all the engines are gone? And perhaps boarding with the intent of actually capturing the target may occur then. (The only use for boarders being to trigger the SDDs at the moment, unless you are very lucky and manage to take down the SDD without damaging the ship too much)
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