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Old December 8th, 2006, 02:32 AM

SoaviFox SoaviFox is offline
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Default Undocumented Spell #Effect List Update 2

Increased and fixed effects list for #10

I am going through every possible number and recording my findings over the next week or so.

All tests had the following as constants unless otherwise noted
#damage 255
#aoe 20
#nref 1
#range 500
#precision 50
#fatigue 0

Effect #1
Summons normal units

set damage at a number and get a different effect set
if you add the numbers together and use that number, it grants all those effects.

(note, remember if it accidently hits an enemy they get the ability too)
@1 blessing without sacredness
@2 lucky
@4 4 precision
@8 air shield 80
@16 bark skin effect protection becomes 10 or 1 whichever is better and susceptible to fire 25%
@32 regeneration 5%
@64 not sure
@256 Gone Berserk 0
@512 nothing seemed to happen, requires further testing
@1024 fire resistance 50%
@2048 shock resistance 50%
@8192 won't cast the spell
@16384 Heat 3
@32768 2 divine morale bonus
@65536 stone skin effect where it gains susceptibility to cold
@131072 flight
@262144 3 quickness to attack and defense and doubles action points
@524288 weapon of sharpness
@1048576 Astral weapon
@2097152 nothing seemed to happen, requires further testing
@4194304 nothing seemed to happen, requires further testing
@8388608 won't cast
@16777216 poison resistance 50
@33554432 won't cast
@67108864 4 magic bonus to magic resistance
@134217728 makes the unit ethereal
@268435456 susceptibility to shock and increased prot to 20
@536870912 weird. casts it on my guys then the enemies with no effect
@1073741824 weird. casts it on my guys then the enemies with no effect
@2147483648 doesn't cast
@4294967296 doesn't cast
@8589934592 doesn't cast. assuming end of srting

#Effect 15
This one teleports your units home.

#Effect 17
Increases morale of your units. Seems to do more the higher the damage.

#Effect 20
This does a Blink effect targeting your units. If you set it to aoe it will randomly disperse your units around the field.

#Effect 21
summons units

Effect 23
Much like effect 10 but seems to have a different set.
@damage 255 cause fear +0, susceptible to poison 100, trample, twist fate, moss body, raises prot to 25 or +3
@25 fear +0, twist fate, moss body
@5 as @25
@30 fear +0, susceptible to poison 100%, moss body
@31 fear +0, susceptible to poison 100%, twist fate, moss body
@32 spell is cast nothing seems to have happened
@33 twist fate
@34 susceptible to poison 100% prot becomes 25
@35 susceptible to poison 100% prot becomes 25, twist fate

#Effect 24
This one seems to deal damage without much else happening. I didn't bother seeing if it did anything special at lower damages that enemies could survive.

#Effect 28
seems to be an enslave effect. It may determine ability to resist based on the damage rating.

#Effect 29
Seems to be a clone of #Effect 28 but who knows

#Effect 31
Seems to summon monsters near one of your units. The monsters attack whoever is closest.
Damage number is most likely the unit number. I didn't bother to check.

#Effect 43
As above but summons them on the sides of the battle field.

#Effect 50
as above but next to commander who casts it

#Effect 54
Transforms an enemy into another enemy type. With a high aoe it hits a whole unit.

#Effect 66
Paralyzes enemies for a length of time. At damage 255 it paralyzed them for 120 rounds or so. Probaly changes length with damage

#Effect 72
This one seems to kill enemy units outright. Sort of like #effect 15 but targeting the enemy.

#Effect 73
It seems that it damages enemies with a high chance of an affliction being made.

#Effect 81
battle field enchantment
@damage 255 - ?
@damage 25 firestorm
@damage 5 soul drain

#Effect 99
Damages enemies. Might do something else.

#Effect 103
Seems to kill enemies without damaging them at all.

#Effect 108
This one appears to be killing the enemies but if you check the battle report they are not actually dead. I am not sure what it is doing to them.

#Effect 109
This is an odd one. Eve at damage 255 it only did 1 damage to a group of deer tribe warriors. it added no status effects. odd

If you add 1000 to any of those it makes a cloud that lasts for 1 turn. if you add 2000 it lasts for 2 turns etc up to 9000. so a cloud that has #effect 20 will last 5 turns if its effect 5020.

Enjoy, I will have more tomarrow.
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Old December 8th, 2006, 03:02 AM
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Default Re: Undocumented Spell Commands

Good work.

Hmmm I thought I had a list of spells in

Its late for me now. I will post this to remind me in the morning to bleed a list out of the game internals for you to work off of.
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Old December 8th, 2006, 03:08 AM

SoaviFox SoaviFox is offline
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Default Re: Undocumented Spell Commands

You really do not have to. I am rather enjoying finding them all and letting people know. And I have read those docs. they don't give numbers and there are a lot of things. Just how effects 10 and 23 have many differnet effects based on the damage number.
Hoensly, given a week or two I can get all the effect numbers and given a week or two after that I can get all the variotions based on #damage for those that have them.

Though if you want to contribute, go ahead. ;p IT will save other people having to wait for me to go thoruhg and find them all.
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Old December 8th, 2006, 05:12 AM
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Default Re: Undocumented Spell Commands

#effect 21 summons units in battle, and works with range. So your caster aims, shoots out a bolt of fire, and e.g. Slingers appear where it lands. I imagine it's not meant to be used with long range.
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Old December 8th, 2006, 05:22 AM

Ozymandias Ozymandias is offline
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Default An example testing mod

-This mod lets you test the effects of effect 10 by
-varying the damage, which behaves like a bitfield.
#modname "Spell Modding Test"
#version 1.00
#domversion 3.04

#name"Test Spell"
#descr"This spell reveals the inner workings of magic."
#school 0
#researchlevel 0
#path 0 7
#pathlevel 0 1
#aoe 0
#damage 1
#effect 10
#fatiguecost 5
#flightspr -1
#explspr -1
#nreff 1
#range 100
#precision 100
#sound 87
#spec 0
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Old December 8th, 2006, 10:22 AM

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Default Re: An example testing mod

if you swap effect 10 with effect 23 you can find the bitmask for that one as well. Same with 81 which does battle field enchantments.
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Old December 8th, 2006, 02:48 PM
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Default Re: An example testing mod

Does the effects you are talking about have anything to do with this list that I found in the game?

If you count down the list (usually the first item is numbered zero) then does it match to what you are finding? If it does then I can quickly generate is as a numbered list, then you guys can add descriptions that would help modders.
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Old December 8th, 2006, 03:05 PM
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Default Re: An example testing mod

Gandalf Parker said:
Does the effects you are talking about have anything to do with this list that I found in the game?

If you count down the list (usually the first item is numbered zero) then does it match to what you are finding? If it does then I can quickly generate is as a numbered list, then you guys can add descriptions that would help modders.
Something tells me that your list is a list of the spells graphical effects (like #explspr), while her list is of the #effect kind :X
I'm in the IDF. (So any new reply by me is a very rare event.)
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Old December 8th, 2006, 03:34 PM
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Default Re: Undocumented Spell Effects List

SoaviFox said:

Enjoy, I will have more tomarrow.
Thanks so much for creating this list!!
There can be only one.
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Old December 8th, 2006, 03:38 PM
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Default Re: An example testing mod

Not that there's anything wrong in knowing the graphic effects!
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