October 14th, 2002, 06:59 PM
Join Date: Jan 2001
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Re: Proportions and Facilities
Originally posted by oleg:
SE IV upgrade process is indeed far from perfect but I honestly think the idea to increse number of slots on the planet and decrease cost of facilities will result either even more micromanagemrnt or ridicule Proportions mod to the level of vanila SEIV.
Oleg, my latest proposal was to set the facility upgrade cost to 100%, and to adjust the cost of big facilities correspondingly.
(E.g. Metropolis now costs 100Kx3, but can be built as 15Kx3 for building a minor city + 50Kx3 for upgrading = 65Kx3; therefore, the cost for Metropolis should be adjusted to 65K. This should make upgrading possible - if you want the old facility to continue producing - but not vital.)
PvK made a couple of very valid points about why getting more facility slots is not a good solution, and I bought his arguments.