Thread: 2022 updates?
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Old March 16th, 2022, 01:13 PM
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Default Re: 2022 updates?

DRG, two questions:

1) Does ALWAYS EXP/MOR change by decade in SPMBT or you can provide more detailed specification per year?
2) If you received suggested EXP/MOR changes with extensive explanations for certain nations at least, would it be REALLY considered? I could write it down with a base of my considerations - but only if one will actually damn read it (otherwise its a waste of time)
3) Disclaimer: the lovely button of manual troop training settings does not allow modifications concerning morale <3 For example, one cannot set very low experience, but super high morale. If neither of points above is going to get considered, an extra button could be. It matters mostly for randomly generated battles and PBEM games, where proper scenhack editions are barely useful or possible.
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