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Old September 18th, 2020, 09:57 PM
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scorpio_rocks scorpio_rocks is offline
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Question Re: War Cabinet 0.8.1 is available!

Inspired by Imp's AAR using this tool I am starting a long campaign using it, However I am either stupid, confused, doing it wrong or all of the above!

If I wish to track both individual battles (at the end of each) and the overall campaign how many of the save games do I need to add to the dossier?

I usually have a save scheme like this:
Campaign Save File - save at end of each battle
Setup save - save at the start of battle (post Deployment)
Odd Turn save - save at the end of each odd numbered turn (before End Turn)
Even Turn save - save at the end of each even numbered turn (before End Turn)

The first and second files are only over-written after and before each battle, The third and fourth every other turn. This way I always have 2 turns saved and can rewind to start or before battle if files lost/corrupted or I mess up like hitting done before buying, or continue before fixing units.

Will this work if I add all 4 files? or do i need only to add the first? Or do I need more save files? (each turn separately? each battle separately?)

All help / clarification gratefully received from Erik or anyone who has used the tool

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Horatio Nelson.
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