Thread: 37mm Bofors
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Old July 21st, 2020, 04:24 PM
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Default 37mm Bofors

During scanng through OOB I just found that this small bofors gun not alway has correct pictures so we go


Nice colorised photo of infantery unit gun

Soliders has an french Adrian helmets but this photo is from 1936 and polish Cavalery has french helmets as standard

37mm Gun from Cavalery unit

With horse ammo waggon

Infantery unit

In the rear backround you can see artilery waggon for 37mm gun in polish army infantery has 2 horses and cavalery 3 horses to keep speed with rest of units. Icons for this waggons are already in game 2847 & 2848

Motorized infantery unit they use cars usually PF 508 to pull gun and they use german stallhelm from WWI so are often seen as germans


They captured many guns in 1939 and then from Romanians. In desperation in 1941 used them in Moscow defense. Can't find nice photos from front but there is from Rusian test trials

Adopded as Ordnance QF 37 mm Mk I. We know nice photos of instaled on cars but there are standalone

Polish with Bofors (polish made sold to UK before war) in Tobruk


British soliders with Sudanese guns

In UK after recived from Poland

On vehicles


First bath they buy from Poland in January 1939 then guns internet with Polish soliders in September 1939 and on the end in 1940 germans sold them many guns captured in Poland. So they have around 700 pieces

Romunian Cavalry


This gun from photo destroyed two german tanks

Swedish bofors in Danish forces in Sweden 1941

Guns captured in Poland as 3.7cm PaK 36(p) and Denmark 3,7 cm PaK 157(d).



Bought from Sweden in august 1939

Finish wagoon with one horse

Last edited by blazejos; July 21st, 2020 at 07:27 PM..
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