Thread: AAR Not so welcome
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Old April 7th, 2020, 05:37 PM
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Aeraaa Aeraaa is offline
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Default Re: Not so welcome

Turns 6-10

In Glinstent (5), British forces are bombarded by BM-27s and are heavily suppressed. British return the favor at their enemies with 81mm mortar fire and neither force is in any condition to fight back for the time being. British decide to bring the Pioneer platoon of the Welsh and they, together with the Challenger platoon, are successful in clearing the western part of the town. One Challenger is damaged by a Panzerfaust hit and I decide to withdraw it from the battlefield since its gun has been damaged.

Russian MLRS also hit the Recon platoon at (9), rendering it combat ineffective. Still, if the dismounts survive, they can still spot the enemy, which is the most important.

All Russian mechanized forces advance. Position (1) proves to be a kill zone. British artillery (that arrived as reinforcements), tank fire and Javelin missiles combine to destroy any Russian vehicle that appears around this line. Some T-14s open fire at 3+ kms, but at that distance the Challengers that are their target can resist the rounds quite effectively. Challengers themselves have trouble penetrating Russian armor, but there are opportunities to score side shots and it’s these that can knock the enemy out. Challenger positions that open fire at the Russians are at (2), (3), (4) and (7). In general, while the tank and missile fire is fierce, neither side loses a significant amount of vehicles (the British actually do not lose a single tank) since the frontal armor of both sides’ tanks is too thick. In addition to that, British artillery pounds the area, causing casualties among the dismounts. 3 of the artillery platoons though are silenced by MSTA counterbattery fire.

The Russians at (6) are comprised mostly of heavy mechanized infantry. They are delayed by British recon forces and hit hard by artillery. They cannot be stopped just by that however.

The Russian force at (9) leads with IFVs, which are devastated by Javelin fire. All vehicles are knocked out. Behind them, a company of T-14 MBTs follows. Two T-14s are hit by portable AT from infantrymen and are knocked out. The infantry is not enough to stop the Russians though and for that, the Challenger platoon inside the town is taking ambush positions to hit the Russian armor hopefully from the sides.

Two Russian UAVs appear, with one of them shot down by Stormer SAM fire. The other though flies over Barkhausen, which makes me retreat my Warrior IFVs there. At least the dismounts only, who are somewhat protected by buildings, will bear the brunt of artillery fire if it hits there. And soon enough, this position is indeed hit by BM-27 and 240mm mortar fire, but the damage is minimal. Two SU-24s also hit this position but they only destroy one Warrior.

A mechanized force of T-15s advances through (8). British hit them with 40mm autocannon fire, 120mm tank gun fire and Javelins and all vehicles are knocked out.

Finally, around 5 Ka-52 Helos appear in the skies and they hover around (6). I hate helos with a passion as they are the ones usually causing the most damage to me. Russians lost 30 T-15 IFVs and 8 T-14s MBTs (meaning more than 14000 points just by these two types of equipment). My total losses in points are around 7000 points which is the same rate as the first 5 turns. Let’s hope the rate drops more the next 20 turns that remain.
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