Re: Question about all this new SQL stuff
It's all about the information in a scenario not changing it and it's really more of a development tool we added because it would be useful if you were looking for a specific battle or designer and the search feature can zero in on things like that quickly but a lot of the more detailed SQL work wouldn't be of interest to the average gamer unless you wanted to find all the scenarios that used a specific tank or unit or how many times a particular unit graphic was used but it can have many uses depending on how curious you are and how much time you want to expend finding out things.
EDIT-------------Like this
select count(*) from sData uName
where ( LOWER(uName) like "%sherman%")
will reveal that "shermans" are used 740 times in *MY* scenario folder
and if you ask
select count(*) from sData uName
where (( LOWER(uName) like "%sherman%") or ( LOWER(uName) like "%m4%"))
the answer is 1831
and this
select count(*) from sData icon
where icon =125
tells me graphic 125 ( a Cromwell ) is used 84 times in the scenarios in my folder
And this
select distinct ScenNum, sTitle, Unit, uName from sData
where icon =125
will tell me exactly where they are
The number of scenarios has grown past the point anyone with a normal memory could remember or find ones but you might remember a keyword and that may be all you need to find one you played years ago but can't remember the number of it
Last edited by DRG; April 5th, 2019 at 10:55 PM..