Re: what version is CD
I have the old CD version of both games, I purchased both when they both came out. I have had absolutely no issues with installing the old CD version of both games on both Windows 7, Windows 10 and in Linux. After I have installed the CD version (not in the default directory, i.e. C:\Shrapnel Games\The Camo Workshop\WinSPWW2\ etc.) then I applied all three patches in correct order.
I have had absolutely no issues what-so-ever. In fact on my current machine I have installed the game eight times for different reasons:
C:\SP-PlayTest\Shrapnel Games\The Camo Workshop\WinSPWW2\
C:\SP-PlayTest\Shrapnel Games\The Camo Workshop\WinSPMBT\
C:\SP-Editor\Shrapnel Games\The Camo Workshop\WinSPWW2\
C:\SP-Editor\Shrapnel Games\The Camo Workshop\WinSPMBT\
C:\Isolation\Shrapnel Games\The Camo Workshop\WinSPWW2\
C:\Isolation\Shrapnel Games\The Camo Workshop\WinSPMBT\
C:\Shrapnel Games\Shrapnel Games\The Camo Workshop\WinSPWW2\
C:\Shrapnel Games\Shrapnel Games\The Camo Workshop\WinSPMBT\
And its not only easy too do, but works like a charm and I have had no issues. I have done this on Windows 7, Windows 10 and on Linux (obviously different file paths on that O/S).
So your problem must be on your end.