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Old April 28th, 2018, 04:29 PM
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Default Re: Turkey SAM utility vehicle

There is a formation whose name is "Mot Rapier battery" and also one entitled "Mot Rapier Platoon". There are no other motorised area SAM formations.

The first hint is likely in the name (rapier) given in the formation, as well as perhaps the fact that light trucks are the default carrying vehicle.

The OOB designer likely wanted a rapier formation, tried it with rapier missiles, which fit the light trucks supplied by him and did not think that end users, seeing the "rapier" in the title, would try loading heavier stuff whenever that was done by him many moons ago.

Additionaly, now that the new code that checks trucks carry capacity will show NO available utility vehicles to choose from under that heading, if the selected missile will not be able to be carried. The default utility vehicle chosen will show in the RHS window even if there is no fit since it has to show something there, and if the end user merrily buys the formation with the "red flag" warning of no utility vehicles being listed to choose from (or the only one if there is one such) - then that is the end users fault!.

If no vehicles of the carrying type are listed under its class name in the selection window (LHS) then you should select each potential missile in turn, and once one is found that fits the trucks, or whatever the OOB designer chose as the carrier type, then that section will show some choice(s) other than none.

So, if it says "Rapier battery" and you chose Patriots, with no carriers shown able to carry those then don't expect them to fit. You will still get the "default" carriers - the formation has those inbuilt - but they will be too small.
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