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Old April 3rd, 2018, 12:20 PM
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Default Concerning CHQ Link

I recently tested the CHQ link between units.
I'm wondering if these are intentional game mechanics, or actually problems?

1). All Platoon HQs and Company HQs will never get "Out of Contact" status. They're always "In Contact" (not even once "Radio Contact"). This is true even if their radios are removed, and they're placed alone so far away from other units. Ditto A0, but I can assume it's because he has no higher HQ thus being always "In Contact" is not really a problem for A0.

2). The grunts (non HQ units): when their radios are removed, and they're placed alone (a single squad) so distant from other units, more often than not they'll have "In Contact" status, although "Out of Contact" also happens often for such unit. I'm wondering how can a squad be "In Contact" if they're so far away isolated without radios.

3). All units (either grunts or HQs) even if they have radios, are never rallied by their superiors, unless their superior happens to be near (5 hex or so). They can only rally themselves. This renders the "Radio Contact" status actually useless, as the Game Guide says that units with radios can be rallied by their superiors using radio contact (thus implying far-away units).


All points above (1, 2, 3) are tested using Scenario slots 996, 997, and 998 respectively in this attached Zip file. SPMBT game.
In each Scenario, you'll find 6 units being tested: 3 infantry squads, and 3 tank units. You can find them far deployed and isolated (easier to find using the new minimap feature that shows friendlies/foes dots).
When testing point no. 3 above (Scenario 998), I have provided some tanks near them to give Z fire thus suppressing the tested units, and see if the faraway superiors can rally them.
I have tested for at least 10 turns for each point above.

PS: I have tested previously using wooded & hilly terrains to see if there's any difference. Same thing. For clarity's purpose these test scenarios are using completely flat clear terrain.
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