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Old February 21st, 2018, 02:45 PM
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Default Re: Bystrochodnyj Tank (BT tanks story)

In fact they were BT-5 which were prepared in hurry for annual revolution parade before first tower for this tank was created. They taken armament and towers from T-26 M1931.

BT-5 M1933
Were a first version of this tank a new tower icon was painted for this variant. Gun was the same like in M1934 variant but shape of rear of tower were different and also hatch for crew. Looks like they weren't modernised and used during 1941 with this smaller tower.
This photo is also a proof that amongs BT-5 send to Spanish Republican government were also tanks in M1933 variant

BT-5 M1934
Standard variant in my OOB I also prepared as BT-5TU (tank uprawnienia) [command tank] version with a horse shoe antena. This is a commander tank of platoon with smaller number of rounds for gun because radio equipment. Magnuski mentioned that 1/3 of all manufactured BT-5 were in this variant. Their biggest disadvantage were that was obvious which tank is in command what soviet painfully learn during fights with Japanese and Poles in 1939. Such TU tanks were the first target for AT fire. After this campaigns they started disassembly such antennas and mounting less visible wipe type. Is possible that this modernisation were in progress were Germans attack in 1941 so some tanks were still easy disguises as a commander tank.

After big losses of 1941 survived tanks were modernized in up-armoured variant BT-5E and an modernization with BT-7 parts called BT-5M

Tanks were exported to Turkey , Republican Spain and small number to Mongolia which may fit inside red OOB

Germans and Finland also captured them but Germans never used them instead preferred BT-7.

Inside OOB is also a variant with KS-24 flame-thrower and small tanks on mud shield.
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