Thread: Poland OOB
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Old October 13th, 2017, 06:57 PM

Pibwl Pibwl is offline
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Default Re: Poland OOB

Originally Posted by Pibwl View Post
023 Leopard 2A4P - ... 2A4P seems not real designation (it was possibly some planned upgrade), but it represents the tank with HE ammo.
A look back explained, that it first was a speculative tank with missiles. Therefore it should be named just Leopard 2A4 (or A4+, like unit 022) (or other name to indicate HE ammo). BTW, HE ammo was accepted in 12/2012, and entered full-scale production from 2014, so this tank might need a half-year shift (now starts in 6/12).

Unfortunately, Polish Leopards have too good ammo in the game (sabot pen. 86). In fact they used only German old DM33A1 (in German oob penetration 70, if it is weapon #100 120mm L44 WG87).

Only from 2015 there has been delivered mysterious Polish Mesko-manufactured APFSDS-T (no name, sometimes credited as Pz.531). There is an information, that it offers at least 500 mm RHA penetration ( ).

The same ammo is used be Leo 2A5. However, there was also a mention in one article, that along with Leo 2A5 there arrived a small emergency batch of "modern" ammo...


Mi-24 helicopters:

It appeared, that Polish Mi-24s run out of (obsolete) AT missiles by 2012 (article in Polish

So, units 124 Mi-24D and 125 Mi-24W should end at 12/12 at best (Mi-24D weren't withdrawn by then).
BTW, proper icon for 125 Mi-24W is 3494, used for all terrains.
Also 124 Mi-24D should use the same icon 3487 for all.

126 Mi-24D - should be available until some 2022 (they are still in use), icon 3487 for all (rocket-only armed camouflaged Mi-24D helicopters were used in Iraq in 2004-2008).

098 Mi-24W - it differs in a higher TI/GSR 40, but in fact none of Polish Mi-24 had modernized aiming systems, so I believe it should be standard 30.

At least since 2004, Mi-24 after refit are painted green (icon 3485), so I suggest to make this unit available from 2004, with green icon and no missiles.

photos of green ones:

There should be also created a variant with two underwing 23mm GSh-23L guns (weapon #187) - they were probably used since beginning, but got more popular on photos only last times. So I suggest it should be based upon green Mi-24W, available since 2004. Although photos usually show them with two gun pods only, they probably can carry half of their 57mm rockets as well.

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