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Old September 4th, 2017, 04:23 PM
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Default Re: Crash when loading map in campaign

Originally Posted by PantherCub View Post
Originally Posted by Mobhack View Post
What sort of editing did you do to these maps? E.g adding streams, map text or whatever. It would be helpful if we could narrow it down to something.
I used the map generator in game, setting the parameters to what I wanted. I then added a stream or two and added and removed some buildings and roads to make it more realistic. I remember that when I added a road it happened to go along a stream so that there was a bridge lengthwise following the stream as sometimes happens, so I had to delete the stream and road and then add the stream and road again. No map text editing or any fancy stuff.
What you describe should work perfectly. Yours is only the second report of maps crashing the game and the other was an old map but the same thing happened.....and I have never had a problem with all the maps I've made and I like tinkering with maps and your stream deleting and adding a new stream and road is "normal" editing

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