Thread: Poland OOB
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Old November 18th, 2016, 08:56 PM
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Default Re: Poland OOB

In this month (November 2016) to polish army were added new training/second class attack aircraft’s

Alenia Aermacchi M-346 Master polish codename "Bielik"

Aircraft with polish markings on top of wings they were introduced in 2012 but were absent from 1944 (soviet WWII tradition) until 2012 when reintroduced on F-16 first time since 1939

official website (polish language)

Movie with polish camo and insignias aircraft

That remind me that is possible to add in polish OOB COIN aircrafts formation.
In 1946-1959 were used Po-2 and polish license build CSS-13 especially in actions against post AK underground for attack with small bombs and liaison.
Then period 1957 to 1965 PZL TS-8 Bies
number of yak-11
and yak-18 used for pilots training only but in case of WWIII were consider as a last and worst reserve for light attacks

And after 1964 until now we have times of PZL TS-11 Iskra Poland was only Warsaw pact country which produced own jet trainer instead use chosen by USSR Czechoslovakian L-29 Albatros. They were also sold to Indian AF

In SPMBT we have icons of Iskra in polish and indian painting already included in shp file and master icon list

In meantime were introduced new model PZL I-22 Iryda to replace Iskra's but has some faults+bad management of whole program 8 were completed and used 19 never fully finished on production line all retried in 1996

for basic training but with some elements of fighting has some 4 hard points for armament max 250kg all so can be used in COIN combat mission is used since 1992 PZL-130 Orlik

So Iskra remain until now and will be replaced by this new Italian aircraft
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