Originally Posted by DRG
Originally Posted by chris h
In 38 the Krad grp are 6 men, should be 9 and would be if the drivers could dismount and joint them. The 6 man grp is total useless in anything other than scouting..
If the krad drivers join the fighting team-- who's driving the MC's that you can still move from place to place?? That's why the Kradschutzen are 6 not 9 men, the other three are with the Krads and can scoot over and load the Kradschutzen when required. If we made that a 9 man unit somebody else would rightly complain if each krad carries a driver and two men who's driving the krads that can still move after all the men dismount and form a 9 man section ?
People would complain and it would affect existing scenarios. As for the fighting team I agree with you as long as the unit was being used in the scouting role.
In the early part of the war (I think up to 1942)there were a number of Krad Bn/Kps being used in place of Mot Schutzen Bn/Kps. These were not scouts. When the fighting occurred the whole unit dismounted and fought on foot. It is these units I'm trying to replicate.