Originally Posted by chris h
Can I upgrade the Krad Co to Schutzen/PzG given enough upgrade points?
On a similar vain the Schutzen Bn had a MG Co and a HW Co. Are these upgradable to other stuff (I've nothing specific in mind).
Regarding upgrading, remember to pay a bit of attention to the number of units in the formations in question, so that you will have enough units in the first place to upgrade to the new types.
In case of Germans Krad company, you have two options:
- Formation 100: Krad Kompanie (10 units)
- Formation 38: KradschutzenKom (31 units)
For a proper PzG company with transports, you need 30 or so units, so the formation 100 is probably a bad starting point to start upgrading from, unless you want to buy lots of new units to attach to the formation. However, the second one seems to be a pretty good fit for the number of units per company (and per platoon), and the transport motorcycles can be straight upgraded to 251 halftracks and the leg infantry component to panzergrenadiers (I tested).
As regards the MG and HW companies, those sorts of units (MGs, mortars, anti-tank guns, infantry guns, engineers) tend to be pretty useful regardless of the year, so I would not recommend changing them to other unit types but instead maintain them as is to gain experience. That said, anti-tank guns you probably want to upgrade to larger caliber ones when those become available, since the 37 mm door knockers that you start with will be of limited use once you start running into heavier armour like Somua, Matilda or T-34. But MG34 and 81 mm mortar are still respectable anti-infantry weapons even in 1945. As for infantry guns, if you start with the 75 mm version you may want to upgrade it to 150 mm version for significant added firepower - or maybe even to a self-propelled version.