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Old March 7th, 2015, 11:55 AM
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Smile Re: Desert Storm 1991 Campaign - Working Copy

Originally Posted by Juramentado View Post
So - I've experienced the bizarre long-range accuracy of the Iraqi force (and trust me, I've got preferences dialed WAY down in favor of me). Anyway - more knowledgeable people than me have weighed in, but I'm just reiterating my experience with the campaign.
Yeah, I do not know what to make of that either.
Originally Posted by Juramentado View Post
What is tough is that the last mission - Highway of Death - automatically penalizes me a couple of thousand points. I think it might be because both US and Iraqi forces are starting on the same side of the divider line? I've replayed it several times, including removing all but a couple of tanks and HQ unit and it still thinks I had too big an arty overload advantage. I've placed them at the corners, edges, anywhere away from the divider line and the highway. Nada. Not that I care too much since I think it's the last mission in the campaign, but I thought it was bizarre.
I'm reporting today on the second scenario, so I'm read the above with much interest and anticipation.

Desert Storm 1991 Scenario 2 (DSCSSI-1991 Scn2)

I’m finding the campaign challenging in the expansion of my core. I’m thinking TF-Jones will become a HCAB with two MBT companies and an Mech Infantry company in subsequent scenarios. Below I’ve listed the equipment purchased, force deployment, initial action, and a few suggestions.

Equipment Purchase
  • M1A1HA+ Abrahms Platoon x1
  • AH-64A Apache Section x1
  • Stinger Team (Wheeled) Sec x1
  • M106A2 Sec x1

Bn Hq atop hill @ 24, 36 SW of Village
Mech Inf Co
  • Dismounted, Line Abreast, NW-SW 100m east of Village
  • Mech Inf Co Hq mounted inside Village
  • MBT hq ready @ 13,53 atop hill NW of Village
  • E Platoon at same location as MBT Hq, Line Abreast
  • D Platoon @ 37, 44 SE of Village, Line Abreast along ridge
  • T Platoon Abrahms inside village
Engr Platoon @ 8,17 Column, behind MBT Hq
M3A2 Bradley Cavalry Scouts
  • N Platoon @ 41, 52 Line Abreast mounted
  • O Platoon @ 14, 15 Line Abreast mounted, interspersed with MBT
    E Platoon
AH-64A Apache Sect @ 9, 10 Low Altitude
Other units behind MBT Hq
  • MBT filters set at Armor at 30 hex
  • Bradleys set Armor at 25 hex

Initial Action
T2, Bradley lit up a T-62 at 1850m

This scenario was every bit a “turkey shoot.” After the line units took their Oppty hits, I targeted any Iraqi unit within a 90% hit probability. By Turn 4, the scenario was over.


Identify Hq units.

Have TF-Jones placed on west of the Village on the road: a MBT platoon, a mounted Cavalry Scout section, and a section of M901A1. In subsequent turns have the remaining units enter the map. This forces the player to establish a hasty defense, which may prove more challenging.

Consider giving the Iraqi forces waypoints. If TF-Jones enters in Reinforcement Turns, then the Iraqi force should take the southern hill overlooking the village and the road running north to it.

Although I do not buy McDonalds, however, as the commerical says, “I’m loving it.”
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