Re: Artillery rate of fire
Repeat missions, as Don says take little delay.
a) once its finished a mission (ammo buttons all up):
a.1) - select the piece on the arty menu, and then either press the HE/Smoke/DPICM button to fire at exactly the last point or
a.2) Use the shift key and the circle comes up, situated on the last target hex, to allow shifting.
(don't do a and then b, as a and b each have a delay)
Both of the above are repeat missions - and so the call time is much reduced. However if you simply plot a brand new X,Y and press the ammo button then that is a completely new request for fire (as you describe doing in your post).
Several shifts may put the delay past 1.0 - thus delayed a turn, but that can often be less waiting time than requesting from scratch.
b) If the battery is in the process of firing, i.e. the ammo button is still down, then the shift key is available to adjust the current target point.
This method can be used for a continuous creeping barrage, if you have not programmed one pre-game or for an impromptu walking barrage, or to search around a spot.
There is absolutely nothing new in this - Artillery has been that way since Steel Panthers 1 came out in 1995ish..