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Old July 21st, 2014, 06:10 AM
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Exclamation Re: Brigade Nord: Delaying Actions 2 (Delay at Overbygd)

Originally Posted by Suhiir View Post
Interesting? ...Did you plot them to overfly the front lines before they could even get to the AA units?
No, the SEAD performs a stand-off attack, the attack vector does not matter. The Su-27's never engage without an assigned target, as such the AI will not fly the SU-27's, at least not in my copy. However, once the SU-27's are assigned a target, attack path does not matter, the SU-27's will attack the Norwegian NASAM units.

Are you saying that in your copy of the scenario, the SU-27's attack the NASAM units in turn 0?

So, I reloaded the original scenario package and found that the SU-27's SEAD element does not engage any target as I've reported in an earlier post.
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