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Old July 20th, 2014, 05:51 AM
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shahadi shahadi is offline
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Exclamation Re: Brigade Nord: Delaying Actions 2 (Delay at Overbygd)

Originally Posted by Imp View Post
Just one thing if possible can you also release it with units names as standard if its easy enough.
I know many people like the renaming but I find it far quicker to play if units names are standard
Yeah, I find it easier gameplay as well to use the default unit names, however I do rename the command units as well.

Sometimes it can get confusing very fast. For instance, the Russian BTR Rifle Co formations have the following unit designations:
BC0 3/2 Hq
BC1 Isla-1 SAM
BC2 3/2 Hq

Also, formations F, K, & P are listed as platoons when it appears they ought to have company designations

And, some of the leader units are led by Sgts with sub units led by Ltgs

Finally, Player 1 units are not in contiguous order, not a big thing I suppose, but you'd find it makes for better design to have your units in order by player.

Oh, I would give the SU-27's targets especially since they are the SEAD element on an northeast Air Entry in pre-bombardment.
And, there's an SU-27M at RC11 and an Mig-29SM at RC18, I'm not sure they will ever enter the fight without targets. Gotta check on this myself.

With a two battalion-sized Russian TF, I'd purchase at least 2 strike elements assigned CAS and maybe an additional element assigned interdiction in addition to the SEAD.

Nevertheless, I should have fun!
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