Re: Superrifle
This even brings up ethical issues for me and I spend a lot of time at the range. Just learning how to hit a target at 1000 yards is a skill that cannot be taught to just anyone and the guys that do it take pride in that skill. Then you need to apply that skill in a real world situation where you are carefully targeting the enemy. It's a different situation than normal infantry and a different mind set is required and what I think offsets the " cold blooded killer" aspect of sniping IS the skill it takes to do it well and the years of training. Now all you need is a psychopath that you can train in a week.
They system as it stands could not be used for normal infantry as it requires the trigger held down until the "tag" is required and in a chaotic combat situation that's just not going to work but it reduces the art of sniping down to video game levels. The Genie is out of the bottle now