According to, the Fins actually designated T-26 M31, M33 and M38 as T-26A, B and C respectively - I think it's worth to rename them this way, instead of customary year designations.
Right. Name should be T-26B (OT-130 / 133).
Current radio 10 seems enough.
Armour shouldn't differ from original Vickers (remembering, that turret's rear should be 2)
An icon should have a turret on the right side and slightly more to the rear, than T-26 tanks (now it has it on the left, and the hull is the same as T-26). If the icon will be reworked someday, it should also have more pronounced rear "box", like 7TP 2654 icon.
(If we'd like to be overly precise, an icon of basic Vickers variant should also have turret on the right side - now it is central. Also, a gun is a bit too small for 37 mm and a turret should have more pronounced rear "box".
Also T-26 (OT-130) and T-26 (OT-133) had in reality a turret on the right side, just like OT-130/133.
However, I've just noticed, that in scenario editor, icons of an opponent on right side are mirrored anyway...
014 T-28, 015 T-28E - weapon #49 should be renamed L-10 gun (data are correct).
Why not call them Postijuna, as was the Finnish nickname?
T-34s could be nick-named Sotka.
I'd vote to name them just KV-1A and KV-1B, according to their Finnish official designations. There's no need IMO to add other names - if anyone is interested in buying these tanks, he should check their stats
112 BA-20M, 113 FAI - maybe they should be renamed BAB B and BAB A, according to their Finnish designation? (