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Old October 22nd, 2013, 07:56 PM

Pibwl Pibwl is offline
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Default Re: Soviet OOB11 corrections and suggestions

T-26 family:

T-26 in all its mutations has too much frontal armour 3 - it was only 15 mm, close to vertical, the same for turret's front.
Only in model 1939 it was raised to 15-20mm, very slightly sloped, but, according to a Russian monograph, a protection remained roughly the same, because instead of cemented plates there were homogeneous plates used.
The same for other users, like Spain.

004 T-26 M1933s (variant with AAMG) - AAMG on standarized P-40 mounting was accepted in 1937 only (1/35).
"s" in M1933s is redundant - unless it's supposed to indicate AAMG. It could be marked with "P-40", or maybe "+"?.

A problem with AAMGs on T-26s and T-28s and some other tanks is, that only part of tanks were equipped with them, and in case of T-26 they are generally not seen on photos, apart from photos from tests... Pity, that there's no magic way of randomizing AAMG presence.

176 T-26TU M1931 - twin-turret tanks weren't armed with 12.7mm TMG (Russian sources don't mention such armament) - and DShK itself was developed in 1938 only. It could be changed to so-called T-26 M1932 with short-barrel PS-1 37mm (Hotchkiss-based) gun and MG.
I can't find gun specifications at the moment, but a good approximation should be French 37mm SA18, with penetration 3 and range 30 - only it should keep its penetration through all the range (it had longer barrel, and probably more modern rounds). Or is it weapon #12 37mm PP obr 15R, used on MS tank?
There were 222 rounds carried.
Correct picture is 19697.

It was available from spring 1932 - I believe they were extinct by some 1938 (there is however one photo from 1937)

Hull rear armour was the same 13 or 15 mm, as other sides (now 1)

There were also a handful of twin-turret tanks made (20-30?) with longer 37mm B-3 gun (weapon #14) - used in around 1932-1935.

Twin-turret gun tanks constituted only some 1/4 of twin-turret tanks, so maybe it's worth to create them as separate class and create mixed units with gun tank and twin-turret light tanks? (T-26 M1931 is the only class 12 Light Tank available in this period).

222 T-26 M1931 - hull rear armour on twin-turret tanks was the same 13 or 15 mm, as other sides (now 1)
Standard tanks without rear MG had 122 gun rounds (now 100)

224 T-26 M1933 - it was produced only from summer 33 - not earlier, than 9/33 (now 3/33 - a date of prototype tests)

337 T-26 M1937s - Kolomiets' book recognizes it as "model 1938".
Radio chance should be more - some 20 (now 10), since more tanks had radio by then, although M1938 itself was not numerous transitional model (code 1)

338 T-26 M1939 - gun ammo was even 186 (165 had tanks with radio).
They remained in use in small quantities on some theatres until the end of war, even against Japan - although there should be made another entry, so that it's not chosen by the AI instead of T-34.
Radio chance should be more - some 20.
In official documents they were known as T-26-1 - maybe call them T-26-1 M1939?

517 T-26 M1939+ - might be called T-26E (no official designation, but E was commonly used for Russian "ekranirovanny" or "s ekranami"). First were made and used in combat in 2/40 (now 4/41). There are knowns photos from combat in 2/44 (now ends at 12/42)
Hull sides and turret sides were also strengthened with some 20 mm plates (possibly even 30-40mm plates were sometimes used)
