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Old October 13th, 2013, 09:27 AM

Griefbringer Griefbringer is offline
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Default US OOB 12 comments

I have a number of mainly minor comments on US OOB. I will start with the units.

1.) 2.5 ton trucks (units 038 and 170)

Currently there are two different 2.5 ton trucks in the OOB, namely units 038 (2&1/2 Ton Truck)and 170 (2&1/2 w/AAMG).

Based on the unit names, I would expect these to have similar profiles. However, this is not quite the case: unit 170 has larger size (3 vs. 4) and carry capacity (118 vs. 124). I would suggest making the profiles closer to each other.

2.) 60 mm mortar section (unit 47)

This unit is armed with three mortars and M1/M3 SMG. However, at least 1944 TOE for rifle company gives mortar section armament as 4 rifles (for NCOs), 7 carbines and 6 pistols, but no SMGs. Thus, I would like to suggest replacing those SMGs with M1 carbine.

3.) HMG sections, 11/42 onwards (units 174, 455 and 456)

Same comment as with 60 mm mortar section previously: these are armed with two M1917 MGs, M1/M3 SMG and hand grenades, while 1944 TOE gives section armament as 3 rifles (for NCOs), 6 carbines (8 if you count drivers) and 4 pistols. Thus, I would again suggest replacing the SMGs with M1 carbines for at least some of the following units:

- Unit 174 (availability 11/42 - 6/43)
- Unit 455 (availability 7/43 - 12/44)
- Unit 456 (availability 1/45 - 12/46)

Mentioned 1944 rifle battalion TOE, specifying official armament for all individuals, can be found at:
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