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Old September 8th, 2013, 05:21 PM

Pibwl Pibwl is offline
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Default Polish OOB2 corrections/suggestions (v.6)

Time for Poland, before next release.

The information on British vehicles in Polish service comes as a rule from a great book by J. Magnuski "Wozy bojowe Polskich Sił Zbrojnych 1940-1946" (Polish AFVs 1940-1946)

Class 12 Light tank:

08 Honey II - in Polish Army they were known under the tank's official name Stuart II (Honey was a British nickname). According to Magnuski, they were received not earlier, than 9/42 (now 7/42). This type was used for training only until autumn 1943 (now 5/44) - later they were replaced by Stuart V.
Picture 380 is M3A3 Stuart V, while it should be earlier model. Perfect for the British service is 27736, or a photo 12539.

It should have a stabiliser (like British one), but a gun should be M5 (like British standard Honey). The ammo load seems too AP-biased.

There should be added Stuart V, with M6 gun and slanted armour (possibly the same overall thickness) and photo 380. They were used from late 1943 until 1946.

09 Stuart VI - is OK

453 Vickers Mk VIc - only Mk VIb variant was used (#298 from a British oob) with .50 Vickers TMG and Vickers CMG. Photo 631 is probably OK.
It was used only for training in Egypt from 6/42 until 11/43 (now: 7/40-6/42)

470 FR AMR-35,
473 - FR AMR-35 ZT - they probably represent French tanks (available 11/039 to 06/040), but IMO there's no need for French tanks in Polish OOB, especially, that Polish units used own R-35 at that time.

Changes in Class 12 need changes in formations: 184, 185 which either need a gap in 7/40-5/42 period, or they should start in 6/42, if you remove AMR-35 completely.

Also, in 396 Infantry Tk Co (avail. 07/40-03/41) a light tank needs to be removed. Maybe it should be replaced with Dingo or something else, but I don't know what.
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