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Old April 17th, 2013, 07:36 PM
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Confused AI Tanks Ready - But Don't Advance!

I have had the unpleasant surprise of seeing a platoon of tanks attached to an infantry company stand still, did not move for seven turns. Interestingly enough, I have three platoons, sometimes only one platoon will move out on turn two and the others stay put. I quit the game in frustration, then start it up again and low and behold I see two platoons move out with their formations and the third one does not move.

I have started the scenario over and over and notice that about only 25% of the time or one out of every four starts, three tank platoons will move out on the second turn, but never have I seen all three platoons advance.

I'm using the version 7 patch.

Now, after I changed the tanks to armored cars, the armored cars, all three platoons moved out as expected on turn two.

I'm baffled.

How to make the AI advance all three tank platoons by the third turn?
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