Re: Steam Greenlight
I'm expect you're right about Shrapnel having considerable input in setting the price but I notice CoE is $30, which is at the high end of the prices on Desura (there were some comments to this effect) and indie games in general. So it seems to me that is what IW considers a fair price point for their games.
But after that I start making some assumptions: namely that IW would view Dom3 as a more complex game that involved more effort to create than CoE and should therefore be priced higher (even considering it has been out for several years). So maybe it would be priced at $40 as a download? Too many assumptions, I guess. For all I know IW would price it at $30 just like CoE. Still at the high end of indie games but not an insignificant difference from current pricing.
Then I guess the question is, have enough potential players been put off by the current price that would give it a try at around $30?
Of course another option is the "Steam special" super discounted price but I haven't seen any indication IW would go that low on the price (they did have a considerable discount on CoE a couple of months that brought close to $20 but nothing like <$10).
It's pretty interesting watching the trends in computer gaming these days. On the one hand, digital distribution is a great opportunity for smaller developers to not have to fight for shelf space. OTOH there seems to be a consistent downward trend in prices along with new models (I think they're new anyway) like free to play (not a fan of that one at all).