Thread: ATGM Units
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Old August 14th, 2012, 01:37 AM

arkhangelsk arkhangelsk is offline
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Default Re: ATGM Units

To be fair, resupply is too easily abused in the game, making multiple rocket launchers for example seem much more effective than they are - one reload sure, infinite reloads no.

Besides, not being good at prioritizing targets is at least realistic. It is only because the human is given unrealistic powers that it is unfair. In real life, you are aiming at silhouettes, not things clearly marked "Truck" or "T-80BV" with their weapons listed.

But what I would like to see is fixing the Auto Deploy function. I notice that often one platoon of Company A (which is mostly in the South Side) is scattered all the way to the North, in Company B's area, and so on. Obviously, the computer cannot be as smart as human but I would like seeing at least two things:
1) Companies grouped together rather than scattered)
2) Better deployment for things like tanks and ATGM. Perfection is impossible but at least they can care about LOS. Infantry hiding in woods is more or less acceptable, ATGM units wasting their LOS in the woods is not.
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