Thread: PAW and MG
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Old August 10th, 2012, 01:47 PM

Revenant Revenant is offline
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Default PAW and MG


some things I discovered while playing the game, which I consider bugs or weird: (all are Germany)

1) unit No. 919 - MG 34 MMG(2) - it is called "MMG", but they are equipped with "HMG" version og MG 34 (better range etc.) and there is another version of it available, which is cheaper and has "MMG" version of MG34. I suggest to change just the name for good.

2) units no. 420 + 421 - Fjg recoilles guns

420 - FjgPAW 7.5 cm costs 32 pts
421 - FjgPAW 10.5 cm costs 27 pts
For some reson, the 10.5 cm version is cheaper, while it has better in game stats. They are othervise similar with movement, ammunition, etc... Only 10.5 version only have HEAT ammo, and 7.5 version AP ammo too. 10.5 version is still superior, so I suggest points change somehow. The only thing the 7.5 version has better is ROF - by one point.

3) The same thing (to a lesser extent) is with similar Gebirgsjager guns:

505 - GebJg PAW 7.5 : 32pts
506 - GebJb PAW 10.5 : 31pts

705 - GebJg PAW 7.5 : 32 pts
706 - GebJb PAW 10.5 : 32 pts

The 7.5 version is again more expensive. But there are slight differences with ammo loadout.

Just a minor things.
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