Re: ATGM Units
Not really I was mainly advocating it for ATGM teams, because they cant fire it if moved so remaining concealed & not having to relocate is important for them, especially for the AI that cant think to pull them out.
It is way to easy to use the gamey tactic of bleeding 2 shots off them & then exposing an AFV to kill them.
Dont get me wrong I hate them they are the scourge of the modern battlefield, especially those sides that use a lot of them. They negate to a large extent the power of Mech formations as caution is required supporting your infantry & moving to reinforce.
The soft target bit is mainly because its giving away its position (roughly at least) for a target other units can deal with easily enough. Also considiring it only has 4 shots & they are very ineffective vs soft targets its a waste really.
Tanks IFVs etc do tend to be pretty good at target selection anyway with the exception they sometimes fire at mid ranged infantry when you dont want them to.
Staying hidden is not always a priority to them though & they can move & fire.
I think of ATGM teams as the armour equivalent of the sniper, they cause disruption & caution & slow things down a lot if they can perform their role. Locate & destroy is high priority.