The CV 90 Series doesn't use the AKT BUSHMASTER IV, from what I can tell and
please I've barely scratched the surface of the
"BM IV", is that it was developed for the EFV and currently I don't believe carried on any other platform at this time. That aside, regarding the CV 90 Series
this is the 40mm we're looking for...
"MK I" Series:
CV 9040 Sweden ES 1993
PW BOFORS 40mm L/70 Cannon ROF 330Rds.
BOFORS now owned by BAE. L/70 can trace it's roots back to I believe it was 1943 of legendary AA service.
CV 9030 (Export version of the 9040.) Norway ES 1995
30mm ROF 200Rds. Norway the only country to buy this variant.
CV 9030 MK II (GRENADIER TANK 2000.) Series:
PW for all users is the DP ATK 30/40mm BUSHMASTER II MK 44 ROF
Switzerland, Finland & Norway ES 2002.
Norway in 2003 upgraded 17 to the CV 9030NF1 which included improved mine protection, AC & rear view camera, prepped for Afgan. overseas deployment.
The current
operational "King of the Mountain" in the CV 90
Series is...
CV 9035 MK III Series:
PW for all users is the DP ATK 35/50mm ROF 200Rds.
Denmark ES 2008.
Netherlands ES 2008.
These are your current six operators. Netherlands is fielding theirs in the 50mm configuration as these replaced the LEOPARDS they took out of service at the end of 2010/early 2011 as was submitted in the 2011/2012 Campaign. MK III has to also be
considered for TI/GSR of 50 due to advanced 3rd Gen. FCS.
Again the 30/40mm or 35/50mm can be operated in either cal. with minor field changes of a handful or less of parts. This might explain the consistent ROF numbers by the manufacturer in this case ATK. Unfortunately depending on your "pov" I suspect this might lead to adding units to reflect this capability as well.
Just saw the above post when I posted, my BOFORS info came off a couple of weapons sites. WW web my
