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Old March 29th, 2012, 06:01 PM

Legendary League Legendary League is offline
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Default Sub Needed: Midgard, Newbie game

Hello. LL, hosting the LA BSoD game here! One of our players, schoelle, will be AFK between March 30th. and April 2nd. as well as between April 6th and April 9th. As a result, we're looking for a temporary sub to replace him with during the short time period. He is currently playing Midgard, in a war situation with Pangaea (and I believe Rl'yeh, though that may just be a Cold War). For anyone interested in jumping straight into a midgame war for a few turns, this is a great opportunity for you guys!

Any takers should PM me, and provide an email address (in addition to noting your interest).
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