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Old March 18th, 2012, 08:56 AM

earcaraxe earcaraxe is offline
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Default Re: MP etiquette-going AI

My experience is that events can take a turn quickly, for instance someone joining the war in time if u hold on for long enough.

One other reason for playing is transforming the "hopeless" position into a "hopeful" one by aiming for a new goal: instead playing for final victory one might play for (for instance) making a very tough last stand.

In my games i prefer someone turning AI to playing unhappily with us while feeling he is forced to do so. I also think there are differences between the cultures of different dom3 communities regarding turning AI: here on shrapnel there are some people who will be very frustrated by that, and seemingly can only react in anger.

I personally dont consider turning AI a big deal.
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